
Imperialism-Lexi B. World Civ,.8th Period

  • European Trade

    European Trade
    On this date, the Europeans began their trade with Africa. This introduces them to a whole new variety of new recources and spices.
  • East India Company Collapses

    East India Company Collapses
    On this date the East India Company collapses, due to the Sepoy Rebellion. The Sepoy Rebellion happened when the Hindu and Muslim Indians found out the the guns they had been using had cow fat on them. Cows were sacred in their culture and they rebelled against the British in outrage. However, after the Brittish defeated them, the Brittish held India under total control, beginning the Raj.
  • Suez Canal

    Suez Canal
    On this date, the Suez canal was created. It was created by Muhammad Ali's grandson, Isma'il. However Egypt ended up becoming deep in debt due to excessive expenses spent on the after party.
  • Berlin Conference

    Berlin Conference
    On this date, the Berlin Conference was held. This was the meeting issued by King Leopold II to carve up Africa based on its recources.