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Shadymon's World History Timeline

  • May 29, 1453

    Ottomans Conquer Constantinople

    Ottomans Conquer Constantinople
    The Ottoman Empire, an Islamic empire, conquered Constantinople and took over trade operations in the Middle East. This empire would spread throughout the Middle East and North Africa until 1919.
  • Nov 17, 1558

    Elizabeth I Becomes Queen of England

    Elizabeth I Becomes Queen of England
    Born September 7th, 1533 of Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn, Elizabeth the First, became queen of England in 1558. She reigned until her death in 1603.
  • England Defeats the Spanish Armada

    England Defeats the Spanish Armada
    Under Queen Elizabeth's rule, the Spanish Armada, one of the most powerful navies and Spain being the most powerful country of the time period, was taken down by English forces. This left England as the most powerful country for 300 years.
  • Tokuwaga Shogunate

    Tokuwaga Shogunate
    Tokuwaga clan takes over imperial Japan and establishes itself as the Shogun. They establish the capital at Kyoto and rule until 1867.
  • The Thirty Years War

    The Thirty Years War
    The Thirty Years War was the longest and last religious war of Europe. The war between Protestants and Catholics lasted until 1648.
  • The English Civil War

    The English Civil War
    The English Civil War was the war between European Parliamentarians and the Royalists over King Charles the First's rule and decisions. With the winning of the Parliamentarians who went against King Charles, the war lasted to 1651.
  • Founder Manchus and the Qing Dynasty of China

    Founder Manchus and the Qing Dynasty of China
    The founders of the Qing Dynasty were a clan found instead in Manchuria. The Chinese capital was captured by rebellious leader Li Zicheng, and the Manchus were called to help. In honor, the Qing dynasty starts and ends in 1912.
  • Peter the Great Becomes Czar of Russia

    Peter the Great Becomes Czar of Russia
  • British Industrial Revolution

    British Industrial Revolution
    Among the 1700s, manufacturing was done by hand and other simple tools, but the rise of machinery replaced the long process, introducing the world of industrialization. This shift completely changed the world of today from trains to quicker mass production.
  • Catherine the Great Becomes Czarina of Russia

    Catherine the Great Becomes Czarina of Russia
    Catherine the Great was the longest female rule of Russia. As her reign lasts to 1796, she helped to expand the country's empire.
  • The British Colonization of India

    The British Colonization of India
    The British Colonization of India was a colonization process in India. Along with colonizing India, Colonial India was Britain's main trading area.
  • The British Colonies Declare Independence

    The British Colonies Declare Independence
    Great Britain loses their most powerful colonies as the British colonies declare independence in North America. This powerful event sparked the French Revolution and the colonizations of India.
  • The French Revolution

    The French Revolution
    The French Revolution was a revolution that ended France's monarchy and ends King Louis XVI. The ending result is with the Napoleonic Age.
  • Napoleonic Age

    Napoleonic Age
    The Napoleonic Age/Era is considered the fourth and last part of the French Revolution as Napoleon takes over nearly all of Europe in his process of stabilizing France. He lays defeated in 1815 at the Battle of Waterloo.
  • Mexico Declares Independence From Spain

    Mexico Declares Independence From Spain
  • Unification of Italy

    Unification of Italy
    The Unification of Italy (or Risorgimento) was the movement, politically and socially, of the several Italia states to form the Kingdom of Italy. From 1815-1860, this was one of the most controversial moments of modern Italian history.
  • The Great Reform Bill of 1832

    The Great Reform Bill of 1832
    The 1832 Reform Bill is an Act of Parliament that changed the electoral system of England and Wales. This bill transferred voting privileges to lower class people rather than wealthy upper classmen.
  • Opium Wars

    Opium Wars
    The Opium Wars was two wars between Britain and China over the dispute to trade with China. With the British victory, the Qing Dynasty weakened and China was forced to trade with the rest of the world.
  • Great Potato Famine

    Great Potato Famine
    The Irish Great Famine, Great Potato Famine or the Great Hunger was a mass famine, starvation, and emigration that took place in Ireland. The famine killed more than one million due to lack of resources, and warped the island's landscape, politically, cultural, and demographically.
  • Karl Marx, Frederic Engels and The Communist Manifesto

    Karl Marx, Frederic Engels and The Communist Manifesto
    The Communist Manifesto, released by Karl Marx and Frederic Engel, describes the philosophy of communism and its outputs.
  • Taiping Rebellion

    Taiping Rebellion
    The Taiping Rebellion was a war between China's Qing dynasty and the Heavenly Kingdom of Peace, a movement fighting against the Qing dynasty for freedom. However, the war was one of the bloodiest wars in history and the Qing dynasty won.
  • The Suez Canal

    The Suez Canal
    The Suez Canal was a waterway connecting the Mediterranean and Red Sea and was inaugurated between France and Egypt, length up to 100 miles long. This canal helped Egyptians escape from British troops in WWII.
  • Charles Darwin publishes The Origin Of Species

    Charles Darwin publishes The Origin Of Species
    The Origin of Species is a book published by Charles Darwin, and explains the philosophy of evolutionary biology. The piece of literature concludes of the scientific theory of species evolving throughout generations.
  • Civil War of the United States

    Civil War of the United States
    During the time period of the mid 1800s, several southern states legalized the use of slaves, and after the winning of Abraham Lincoln, several states seceded. The war fought between the Union and Confederate states for slavery.
  • Emancipation Proclamation

    Emancipation Proclamation
    During the American Civil War, Union president Abraham Lincoln created an executive order that all rebelling states must free all slaves if the Union won the war.
  • The Meiji Restoration

    The Meiji Restoration
    The Meiji Restoration was the birth of Japan's modernism from Emperor Meiji moving the capital to Tokyo. Very so, Japan became one of the greatest nations in the world afterwards.
  • Unification of Germany

    Unification of Germany
    The political and administrative construct of turning Germany into a nation state was officially confirmed as the unification of Germany. After the Franco-Prussia War, all German princes gathered in France to proclaim Wilhelm I as German Emperor.
  • The Berlin Conference

    The Berlin Conference
    The Berlin Conference is a conference where known of all European countries come together to claim parts of Africa, also known as the Scramble.
  • The Russo-Japanese War

    The Russo-Japanese War
    Between Russia and Japan, the Russo-Japanese War starts after Russia rejecting Japan's decision to divide ambitions of Manchuria and Korea, and its result is Japan defeating Russia.
  • The Mexican Revolution

    The Mexican Revolution
    The Mexican Revolution was an armed struggle during the early 20th century and greatly effected Mexico's culture and government.
  • The Chinese Revolution

    The Chinese Revolution
    The Chinese Revolution was a revolution that ended the Chinese imperial system and ended the Qing Dynasty. Later to 1949, the Chinese Communist Revolution started the beginning of China's communism from the win of their communist party.
  • World War I Begins

    World War I Begins
    Resulting of Hungarian leader Franz Ferdinand and his wife's death by a Bosnian killer, several countries declare war to stop Hungary from wiping out Serbia. This war was also considered The War to End All Wars.
  • The Russian Revolution

    The Russian Revolution
    Up to 1917, Russians were ready to overthrow Czar Nicholas II, and end the Czarist autocracy. This lead to the rise of the Soviet Union.