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Important dates in the History of Special Education

By sandy8
  • National Association for Retarded Citizens

    National Association for Retarded Citizens
    This association is one of the most influential groups formed by friends and parents that wanted to help their loved ones.
  • Brown vs The Board of Education

    Brown vs The Board of Education
    It was a supreme court case that made laws where "establishing separate public schools for black and white students to unconstitutional."
  • Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965

    Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965
    This act funded schools with the resources to have a professional development, instructional materials and it encouraged parents to get involved with the schools.
  • PARC vs Commonwealth of Pennsylvania

    PARC vs Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    This lawsuit resulted in a law where the state has to provide the right to a free education for every child with mental retardation.
  • Mills vs Board of Education

    Mills vs Board of Education
    It was a civil rights case that fought against The District of Columbia School Board because they were denying the right to a free public education to seven children.
  • Board of Education vs Rowley

    Board of Education vs Rowley
    The parents of Rowley tried to sue the board of education because they wanted the school to provide a sign-language interpreter but lost the case because the law only requires for schools to make schools handicapped accessible but does not require to provide free individual services.
  • Education for All Handicapped Children Act

    Education for All Handicapped Children Act
    This act mandates that all children can receive appropriate free education.
  • President Ford and The Education for All Handicapped Children Act

    President Ford and The Education for All Handicapped Children Act
    President Ford signs The Education for All Handicapped Children Act, with the intention that all the children are treated then same and offered the same education.
  • Americans with Disabilities Act

    Americans with Disabilities Act
    Is a civil rights law that does not allow discrimination based on disability. This law requires employees to make the accommodations necessary.
  • No Child Left Behind

    No Child Left Behind
    NCLB, requires that all states need to provide a standardized test every year to keep on receiving federal funding.
  • Individuals with Disabilities Act of 2004

    Individuals with Disabilities Act of 2004
    It's a law signed by President George W. Bush where it requires equity and excellence in education for all children with disabilities.