Industrial Revolution - Chapter 9, Kimmell

  • Jethro Tull

    Jethro Hull was one of the first scientific farmers. He developed the seed drill, a machine that allowed farmers to sow seeds in well-spaced rows at specific depths. This caused more seeds to took root, increasing production.
  • John Kay

    John Kay was a machinist that made a shuttle that sped back and forth on wheels. It was boat-shaped and made of wood. Yarn was attached; the invention doubled the work a weaver could do in a day.
  • James Watt

    James Watt figured out a way to make te steam engine work faster and more efficiently by burning less fuel.
  • Samuel Crompton

    Samuel Crompton combined the features of James Hargreaves' spinning jenny and Richard Arkwright's water frame to produce the spinning mule. It produced stronger thread, increasing quantity.
  • Thomas Malthus

    His important ideas along with those of Devid Ricardo were the foundation of laissez-faire capitalism.
  • Sneaking Secret Plans

    William Cockerill illegally carried secret plans for spinning machinery into the United States. His son eventually built an indutrail enterprise.
  • United States - Blockaded

    Britain blockaded the United States to try and keep it from engaging in international trade.
  • Revolutionizing the American Textile Industry

    Francis Cabot Lowell of Boston and four other investors mechanized every stage in the manufacture of cloth. They had a weaving factoy in Waltham, Massachusetts, which earned them enough money to build a larger operation in other towns.
  • David Ricardo

    Believed the permanent underclass would always be poor, like Malthus.
  • Lowell, Massachusetts

    By the 1820's, the city had become a manufactoring center and a paragon for other towns.
  • New Harmony

    Robert Owen built houses in a community he;d built called New Harmony. He intended for it to be a utopia, or perfect living place.
  • Locomotives on the New Line

    Trials were held in 1829 after the first railroad track was laid to choose the best locomotive that would be used.
  • Railways Officially Open

    The Liverpool-Manchester railway was officially opened; it was an immediate success.
  • Brutal Prison Conditions

    Alexis de Tocqueville, a French writer, and reformers sought to change the conditions of American prisons.
  • Britain Abolishes Slavery

    William Wilberforce led the fight for abolition in Britain. After he retired from Parliament, he still fought and eventually won.
  • Factory Act of 1833

    This act restricted working age and hours to avoid extreme child labor. For years after the act was passed, rules were not strongly enforced.
  • Samuel B. Morse

    Samuel F. B. Morse, a New England painter, first sent electrical signals over a telegraph.
  • Tne Hours Act of 1847

    This act limited the workday to women and children who worked in factories.
  • The Communist Manifesto

    Karl Marx publishes a book called The Communist Maifesto, which only produced a few short-term results.
  • Beginning of the movement for Women's Rights.

    Women began to wonder why it was acceptable for them to be denied rights just because of gender, so they led revolts.
  • Public School Systems

    Horace Mann wanted free public education for all children: he believed that without an educated generation, "...republic must go down to destruction."
  • The Union Wins the Civil War

    The enslavement of Africans in America ends with the Union winning the civil war.
  • Standard Oil - Carnegie Steel

  • Reformers Fight Against Child Labor

    During this year, a group of progressive reformers and a number of factory workers joined forces to argue the point of child labor being a bad thing.
  • Child Labor Laws Objected by Supreme Court

    The U.S. Supreme Court objected against child labor laws, reasoning that it interfered with states' rights to regulate labor.