
unit 9 timeline: industrialisation

  • Period: to

    revolutions in agriculture, production, transportation, and communication change the lives of poeple in Western Europe and the U.S.

  • small farms cover England's landscape

    small farms cover England's landscape
  • Period: to

    th average weight for lambs increased from eighteen lbs. to fifty lbs. due to selective breeding

  • Period: to

    Robert Bakewell increased his mutton output by only allowing his best sheep to breed

  • Period: to

    Britain takes part in many wars

  • Jethro Tull invents the seed drilll

    Jethro Tull invents the seed drilll
  • coal miners used steam-powered pumps to remove water from deep mine shafts

    coal miners used steam-powered pumps to remove water from deep mine shafts
  • John Kay invents the flyring shuttle

    John Kay invents the flyring shuttle
  • Qian-long begins his reign as emperor of China

    Qian-long begins his reign as emperor of China
  • Period: to

    Manchester experiences rapid growth from around 45,000 to 300,000

  • textile worker James Hargreaver invents a spinning wheel named after his daughter Jenny

    textile worker James Hargreaver invents a spinning wheel named after his daughter Jenny
  • James Watt builds the steam engine

    James Watt builds the steam engine
  • Richard Arkwright invents the water frame

    Richard Arkwright invents the water frame
  • Period: to

    English philosopher Jermey Bentham introduced the philosophy of utilitarianism

  • Period: to

    Jeremy Bentham writes some of his most famous works

  • James Watt joins bussinessman Matthew Boulton

    James Watt joins bussinessman Matthew Boulton
  • Adam Smith publishes his book "The Wealth of Nations"

    Adam Smith publishes his book "The Wealth of Nations"
  • Samuel Crompton combines the spinning jenny and the water frame to create the spinning mule

    Samuel Crompton combines the spinning jenny and the water frame to create the spinning mule
  • English laborer Ned Ludd is said to have destroyed weaving machinery

    English laborer Ned Ludd is said to have destroyed weaving machinery
  • Edwards Cartwright invents the power loom

    Edwards Cartwright invents the power loom
  • Samuel Slater emigrates to the United States and builds a spinning machine

    Samuel Slater emigrates to the United States and builds a spinning machine
  • Period: to

    French Revolution and Napoleonic Wars halt trade, interrupt communication, and cause infaltion in some pars of the continent

  • Period: to

    American cotton production skyrockets due to the creation of the cotton gin

  • Steam-driven machinery powered English factories

    Steam-driven machinery powered English factories
  • Eli Whitney creates the cotton gin

    Eli Whitney creates the cotton gin
  • Thomas Malthus publishes "An Essay on the Principle of Population"

    Thomas Malthus publishes "An Essay on the Principle of Population"
  • William Cockerill illegally makes his way to Belgium

    William Cockerill illegally makes his way to Belgium
  • Period: to

    the Combination Acts outlaw unions and strikes

  • people can earn higher wages in factories than on farms

    people can earn higher wages in factories than on farms
  • Period: to

    the number of European cities with a lot of people living in them grows from 22 to 47

  • England's population grows to one million around 1800

    England's population grows to one million around 1800
  • Period: to

    Laborer's livespans increase

  • Period: to

    Manchester produce consumer goods and create wealth on a grand scale

  • Period: to

    Northeast U.S. experiences much industrial growth

  • Period: to

    Germany is politically divided

  • Period: to

    industrialisation grows in regions at a time rather than whole countires at a time

  • Period: to

    England's population explodes

  • Period: to

    the working class sees little improvement in their living and working conditions

  • People become more invlolved in politics

    People become more invlolved in politics
  • Period: to

    John Stuart Mill leads the Utilitarian movement

  • Period: to

    skilled workers in the U.S. belong to unions

  • Period: to

    The Industrial Revolution divides the rich from the poor

  • democracy grows in industrialised countries as foreign expansion increased

    democracy grows in industrialised countries as foreign expansion increased
  • Period: to

    coal and steam drive the machines of industry

  • Period: to

    German inventors figure out how to successfully use a gasoline engine to power a vehicle

  • Period: to

    Scientists come up with a widely believed explanation for why there is such a great and wide variety of plants and animals on the earth

  • Period: to

    ideas about phychology drastically changes society's way of life

  • Period: to

    the U.S. begins to make strong attempts to hold fast to what the Declaration of Independence says and abolish slavery

  • Period: to

    many thinkers try to apply Charles Darwin's ideas to eonomics and politics

  • several major inventions have modernized the cotton industry in Britain

    several major inventions have modernized the cotton industry in Britain
  • British chemist John Dalton theorises that all matter is made of tiny particles called atoms

    British chemist John Dalton theorises that all matter is made of tiny particles called atoms
  • English engineer Richard Trevithick wins bet by hauling ten tons of iron over almost ten miles of track in steam-driven locomotive

    English engineer Richard Trevithick wins bet by hauling ten tons of iron over almost ten miles of track in steam-driven locomotive
  • English engineer Richard Trevithick wins bet of thousands of dollars by taking ten tons of iron over nearly ten miles of track in a steam-driven locomotive

    English engineer Richard Trevithick wins bet of thousands of dollars by taking ten tons of iron over nearly ten miles of track in a steam-driven locomotive
  • Haiti wins its independence from France

    Haiti wins its independence from France
  • The steamboat Clermont made its first successful trip

    The steamboat Clermont made its first successful trip
  • Parliament passes a bill to end slave trade in the British West Indies

    Parliament passes a bill to end slave trade in the British West Indies
  • John McAdam (Scottish engineer) equips road beds with a layer of large stones for drainage

    John McAdam (Scottish engineer) equips road beds with a layer of large stones for drainage
  • Europeans who used to live on farms flow quickly into cities

    Europeans who used to live on farms flow quickly into cities
  • the war of 1812

    the war of 1812
  • Francis Cabot Lowell of Boston and four other investors revolutionised the American textile industry

    Francis Cabot Lowell of Boston and four other investors revolutionised the American textile industry
  • David Ricardo publishes his book "Principles of Political Economy and Taxation"

    David Ricardo publishes his book "Principles of Political Economy and Taxation"
  • the first Factory Act is passed

    the first Factory Act is passed
  • Period: to

    Parliament begins looking into child labor and working conditions in factories and coal mines

  • George Stephenson begins to work on the world's first railroad line

    George Stephenson begins to work on the world's first railroad line
  • Parliament repeals the Combination Acts

    Parliament repeals the Combination Acts
  • Robert Owen travels to the United States

    Robert Owen travels to the United States
  • The railroad opens

    The railroad opens
  • Robert Owen founds a cooperativ community called New Harmony in Indiana

    Robert Owen founds a cooperativ community called New Harmony in Indiana
  • the British government unhappily tolerates labor unions

    the British government unhappily tolerates labor unions
  • William Wilberforce retires from Parliament

    William Wilberforce retires from Parliament
  • Lowell, Massachusetts has become a popular manufacturing centre and a model for other similar towns

    Lowell, Massachusetts has become a popular manufacturing centre and a model for other similar towns
  • trials are held to choose the best locomotive for use on the new railroad line

    trials are held to choose the best locomotive for use on the new railroad line
  • the Liverpool-Manchester Railway opens officially

    the Liverpool-Manchester Railway opens officially
  • France experiences sustained industrial growth

    France experiences sustained industrial growth
  • Cyrus McCormick invention the reaper boosts American wheat production

    Cyrus McCormick invention the reaper boosts American wheat production
  • Alexis de Tocqueville studies and contrasts the brutal, harsh conditions of American prisons to the "extended liberty" of American Society

    Alexis de Tocqueville studies and contrasts the brutal, harsh conditions of American prisons to the "extended liberty" of American Society
  • William Cooper testfies about labor conditions from child labor during the industrial revolution

    William Cooper testfies about labor conditions from child labor during the industrial revolution
  • Parliament passes the Factory Act to improve working conditions for children

    Parliament passes the Factory Act to improve working conditions for children
  • the British abolishes slavery in all of its empire

    the British abolishes slavery in all of its empire
  • Edward Baines publishes his book "The History of Cotton Manufacture in Great Britain"

    Edward Baines publishes his book "The History of Cotton Manufacture in Great Britain"
  • French writer Alexis de Tocqueville visits Manchester

    French writer Alexis de Tocqueville visits Manchester
  • Germany begins to copy the British model

    Germany begins to copy the British model
  • Samuel F.B. Morse sends first electric signals over telegraph

    Samuel F.B. Morse sends first electric signals over telegraph
  • Period: to

    Thomas Malthus's predictions and arguments on the system of growing population seem to become true

  • a British government study shows the average life span for the working class to be 17 years old and those in nearby rural areas to be around 38 years old

    a British government study shows the average life span for the working class to be 17 years old and those in nearby rural areas to be around 38 years old
  • the Mines Act is passed to prevent women and children from working in mines

    the Mines Act is passed to prevent women and children from working in mines
  • Period: to

    women form unions in the trades where they dominate

  • Period: to

    the germ theory is created by Louis Pasteur

  • the Ten Hours Act is passed

    the Ten Hours Act is passed
  • Elizabeth Gaskell publishes her book "Mary Barton"

    Elizabeth Gaskell publishes her book "Mary Barton"
  • Alexis de Tocqueville gives a speech stating where he stands with Socialism

    Alexis de Tocqueville gives a speech stating where he stands with Socialism
  • Period: to

    widespread revolts take place throughout all of Europe

  • women fight for their rights

    women fight for their rights
  • Karl Marx and Frederick Engels publish The Communist Manifesto

    Karl Marx and Frederick Engels publish The Communist Manifesto
  • 4.250 miles of inland channels slashed the cost of trasporting both raw materials and finished goods

    4.250 miles of inland channels slashed the cost of trasporting both raw materials and finished goods
  • a thriving national market for new Freanch products is created, when the government begins railroad construction

    a thriving national market for new Freanch products is created, when the government begins railroad construction
  • a national market for new French products is created, after the government begins railroad construction

    a national market for new French products is created, after the government begins railroad construction
  • many states start up public schools systems

    many states start up public schools systems
  • Period: to

    Austrian monk Gregor Mendel discovers there is a patter to the way that certain traits are inherited

  • I.M. Singer improved the sewing machine by inventing a foot treadle

    I.M. Singer improved the sewing machine by inventing a foot treadle
  • the Crystal Palace Exposition in London demonstrates and celebrates the "works of industry of all nations."

    the Crystal Palace Exposition in London demonstrates and celebrates the "works of industry of all nations."
  • a German economist comments on Germany industrialising itself

    a German economist comments on Germany industrialising itself
  • Charles Darwin publishes a book stating his ideas in a book called "On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection"

    Charles Darwin publishes a book stating his ideas in a book called "On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection"
  • Hugh Miller describes how filthy the Irwell River in Manchester is

    Hugh Miller describes how filthy the Irwell River in Manchester is
  • the Civil War ends

    the Civil War ends
  • Period: to

    United States experiences a technological boom

  • Joseph Lister orders that his surgical wards be kept extremely clean

    Joseph Lister orders that his surgical wards be kept extremely clean
  • The Meiji era begins a period of modernization in Japan

    The Meiji era begins a period of modernization in Japan
  • Russian chemist Dmitri Mendeleev organises the Periodic Table

    Russian chemist Dmitri Mendeleev organises the Periodic Table
  • The Suez Canal opens in Africa

    The Suez Canal opens in Africa
  • Period: to

    a unified, imperialistic Germany has become an industrial and military giant

  • Period: to

    in Western Europe, free public schooling becomes available

  • Period: to

    new kinds of energy come into use

  • Period: to

    the electric generater is developed

  • slavery is ended in Puerto Rico

    slavery is ended in Puerto Rico
  • Period: to

    cities like Chigaco and Minneapolis expand rapidly during the late 1800s

  • British trade unions win the right to strike ad picket peacefully

    British trade unions win the right to strike ad picket peacefully
  • British Unions win the right to strike

    British Unions win the right to strike
  • Scottish-born inventor Alexander Graham Bell patented the telephone

    Scottish-born inventor Alexander Graham Bell patented the telephone
  • Alexander Graham Bell displays his device at the Philidelphia Centennial Exposition

    Alexander Graham Bell displays his device at the Philidelphia Centennial Exposition
  • Period: to

    several inventors try to project moving images

  • Peter Severin Kroyer paints a picture depicting Danish wokers laboring in a steel mill

    Peter Severin Kroyer paints a picture depicting Danish wokers laboring in a steel mill
  • U.S. labor unions join together to form the American Federation of Labor

    U.S. labor unions join together to form the American Federation of Labor
  • Spain abolishes slavery in Cuba

    Spain abolishes slavery in Cuba
  • Brazilian slaves are given freedom

    Brazilian slaves are given freedom
  • woman activists around the world gather to form the International Council for Women

    woman activists around the world gather to form the International Council for Women
  • rich entrepreneurs areconsidered the social equals of he lords of the countryside

    rich entrepreneurs areconsidered the social equals of he lords of the countryside
  • Period: to

    large corporations such as Standard Oil and Carnegie Steel Company spring up

  • Period: to

    a limited number of large, powerful companies controll more than two-thirds of the nation's railroad tracks

  • Italian inventor Guglielmo Marconi uses theoretical dicoveries about electromagnetic waves to create the first radio

    Italian inventor Guglielmo Marconi uses theoretical dicoveries about electromagnetic waves to create the first radio
  • the first olympics are held in Athens, Greece

    the first olympics are held in Athens, Greece
  • Marie Curie names powerful energy force "radioactivity"

    Marie Curie names powerful energy force "radioactivity"
  • delegates and observers from 27 countries attended the International Council for Women in 1899

    delegates and observers from 27 countries attended the International Council for Women in 1899
  • Period: to

    revolutionaries such as Vladimir Lenin, Mao Zedong, and Fidel Castro are inspired by Marxism

  • Gregor Mendel's discoveries start the science of genetics

    Gregor Mendel's discoveries start the science of genetics
  • physicists continue figuring out more about the atom

    physicists continue figuring out more about the atom
  • people begin to speak of mass culture

    people begin to speak of mass culture
  • Period: to

    filmmakers are producing the first feature films

  • Marie and Pierre Curie win the Nobel Prize for physics and their work on radioactivity

    Marie and Pierre Curie win the Nobel Prize for physics and their work on radioactivity
  • Wilbur and Orville Wright fly a gasoline-powered flying machine

    Wilbur and Orville Wright fly a gasoline-powered flying machine
  • a group of progressive reformers form the National Child Labor Committee to end child labor

    a group of progressive reformers form the National Child Labor Committee to end child labor
  • Henry Ford sold his Model T for $850

    Henry Ford sold his Model T for $850
  • millions of Americans flood into thousands of theatres to watch movies

    millions of Americans flood into thousands of theatres to watch movies
  • more than 3.5M cars are traveling on America's roads

    more than 3.5M cars are traveling on America's roads
  • the U.S. Supreme Court objects to a federal child labor law, but individual states are allowed to limit the working hours of women and eventually men

    the U.S. Supreme Court objects to a federal child labor law, but individual states are allowed to limit the working hours of women and eventually men
  • Period: to

    Communist expansion reaches its peak