Industrial Revolution Timeline

  • First Central Bank Established in England

    First Central Bank Established in England
    significant to the industrial revolution because it created a system of credit hierarchy and overall created higher levels of economic engagement and innovation
  • Thomas Newcomen Invented the Steam Engine

    Thomas Newcomen Invented the Steam Engine
    This event is important to the industrial revolution because the first commercially successful steam engine was invented, which led to the increase of goods and their transport
  • John Kay invents the Flying Shuttle

    John Kay invents the Flying Shuttle
    John Kay invented the flying shuttle, a device used in weaving. This weaving tool sped up the process of weaving, increasing the outcome and the demand for cotton textiles. this is important to the industrial revolution because it is another thing that increased goods and commercial demand.
  • James Hargreaves Invented the Spinning Jenny

    James Hargreaves Invented the Spinning Jenny
    Hargreaves created the spinning jenny, which allowed one worker to spin eight spindles. Another thing relating to the textile industry that started the industrial revolution, the spinning jenny was important because it sped up the work and created more products more efficiently.
  • Richard Arkwright Invented the Water Frame

    Richard Arkwright Invented the Water Frame
    The invention of the water frame also sped up the textile creation process because the water frame was hooked up to spinning machines and powered with water. Another thing that was impactful to the revolution because it sped up the creation of commercial goods.
  • Samuel Crompton Invented the Spinning Mule

    Samuel Crompton Invented the Spinning Mule
    The spinning mule combined the spinning and weaving process, being another step in making the most efficient way to create textiles, as the textile industry was what drove the industrial revolution because there was high demand for textiles
  • Edmund Cartwright invents the Power Loom

    Edmund Cartwright invents the Power Loom
    after 1800 it became powered by steam engines. This is an important invention to the revolution because it ended up replacing the flying shuttle because it was better.
  • Combination Acts

    Combination Acts
    the combination acts made it illegal for workers in England to unionize to gain higher pay/better working conditions. This act is an important part of the industrial revolution because it highlights the revolution's bad working conditions and it started some conflict between workers and the higher class.
  • Luddite Rebellion Begins

    Luddite Rebellion Begins
    Named after Ned Ludd, Luddites were basically a group of people opposed to the technological advances of the industrial revolution. They were known for rioting and breaking textile machines. The Luddite rebellion was significant to the revolution because it was an opposition to the revolution, and they did some damage.
  • Parliament passes law against destroying industrial machines

    Parliament passes law against destroying industrial machines
    Parliament puts a law in place stating that the destruction of industrial machines is punishable by death. This law is put in place due to the Luddites destroying things. It's significant to the IR because it has to do with the protest of the Luddites against industrialization
  • 14 Luddites Hanged

    14 Luddites Hanged
    Another piece to the Luddite rebellion is significant for the same reason the whole rebellion was significant. The Luddites were hanged in Manchester after a very rushed trial.
  • Construction of Liverpool-Manchester Railway

    Construction of Liverpool-Manchester Railway
    Stephenson commissioned to build a 30-mile railroad from the cities of Liverpool and Manchester. The railroad being built was very significant to the industrial revolution because it evolved travel and transportation. People could go way farther in a short amount of time and that was incredibly helpful and revolutionary.
  • Stephenson's Rocket Wins Speed Contest

    Stephenson's Rocket Wins Speed Contest
    Stephensons rocket won the speed contest on the Liverpool to Manchester railroad; 51 miles of railroad track. Another important piece of the revolution is because it ties in with the railroad.
  • The First Factory Act

    The First Factory Act
    This first factory act gave some regulation of child labor in the textile factories. This is significant to the IR because there were a lot of horrible working conditions and many children were forced to work; obviously, this was bad. this factory act pushed to improve working conditions in industrial times.
  • General Board of Health

    General Board of Health
    the British government set up the general board of health to inspect sanitary conditions and make sure the water is safe to drink in the cities. this is significant to the revolution because it shows advances in healthcare and sanitary measures, which is important
  • London Cholera Epidemic

    London Cholera Epidemic
    10,000 people died from cholera in London in only a few months. The Cholera epidemic was a huge issue in cities during the industrial revolution because of unsafe drinking water. this is all significant to the industrial revolution because it caused a big conflict in city life and interfered with lots of things because lots of people died.
  • Public Health Act

    Public Health Act
    the government is responsible to ensure public health for housing and sewage, this ties into the cholera epidemic. This is important because it once again, revolutionizes healthcare and sanitation in all these new industrial cities.
  • Factory Act of 1901

    Factory Act of 1901
    Another factory act, this time raising the minimum work age to 12 years old. A small change but in the industrial revolution, it was pretty important because it is improving overall life
  • Coal Mining in Great Britain

    Coal Mining in Great Britain
    236 million tons of coal were mined in Great Britain. Significant to the IR because coal was a very large and important energy source, it powered trains and machines and was overall an incredibly important energy resource
  • Education Act

    Education Act
    the 1918 education act made it compulsory for children to go to school up to age 14. this is important because it shows that people are being educated, as well as less child labor is being used because the children are in school.