Life Span Developmental Psychology Timeline Project

  • Birth

    I was born in Homestead, FL at Homestead Hospital around 3 A.M to Arnette Bezanilla. She named me Isabel Angelina Gonzalez. I was born at a healthy weight with no complications.
  • Period: to


  • Early Childhood Development: Attachment

    As a child, I was fine being by myself. I would sit in the corner of the room, coloring in my books and I was fine with it. I wasn't very attached to my mother, she said I would never cry when she was leaving and I wasn't scared of new people.
  • Early Childhood Bisocial Development

    Early Childhood Bisocial Development
    Around nine months old, I started walking. According to my mother, I was always knocking furniture to the ground and laughing when it fell. I was a funny baby!
  • Early Childhood Development(0-2): Language

    Early Childhood Development(0-2): Language
    Around one and a half, I was speaking full sentences in Spanish. According to my mother, it wasn't sentences, I was always asking questions. I always wanted to know why and how. Conversations went like this:
    Mother: "Isa, let's go bye-bye!"
    Isa: "Why?"
    Mother: "We have to go shopping!"
    Isa: "But, why?"
  • Early Childhood Development (2-6): Bisocial

    Early Childhood Development (2-6): Bisocial
    From the ages of 2-4, I was very active. My family was always going on vacations to Disney World because we only lived a few hours away from the park. We always had birthday parties and were constantly on the move. It is safe to say that I had tons of fun going on vacations with my family.
  • Early Childhood Development (2-6): Cognitive

    As a child, I often played with barbie dolls and was constantly placing the dolls in romantic relationships with each other. My mother said I more or less taught myself how to speak English because I was constantly watching TV shows on Disney Channel. My favorites were Scooby Doo and Barney.
  • Middle Childhood Psychosocial Development (6-11)

    As a child, we were always moving houses. I always made friends. My mom taught me how to ride a bike, with training wheels and I was always outside riding around with my friends.
  • Early Childhood Development (2-6): Psychosocial

    When I was five, I started kindergarden. It was very easy for me to make friends and I had my first sleepover when I was five at the neighbors house.
  • Middle Childhood Cognitive Development (6-11)

    After spending some time in elementary school, I found that I was very good at math. I passed every test and had fun doing my math homework. I was also advanced in science.
  • Middle Childhood Bisocial Development (6-11)

    Around the time when I was eight, I was finally able to ride a bike without my training wheels.
  • Adolescent Cognitive Development: Middle School

    When I was 11, I started middle school in Kendall, FL. I met my bestfriend Vanessa in World History class. I had my first boyfriend when I was in 8th grade and we dated for 4 months, which is forever when you're 13. In the summer going into high school, I had another boyfriend for the summer until we unfortunately parted ways because I moved to Michigan.
  • Adolescent Bisocial Development: Struggles with Body Image

    I was always struggling with the way I looked. I was even more insecure because I was in a new state where I did not know anyone! I started doing crossfit and attempted (and failed many times) to be more active. I was very sad around this time because I missed my summer boyfriend in Florida and all my friends and family.
  • Adolescent Psychosocial Development: Making Friends?

    I was still bitter and upset about moving from Florida, so I didn't really make any effort to make friends. I had people who I talked to in class but they were not really my friends. I finally met someone who didn't bother me and made me feel as close to home as possible, and I am still friends with them now.
  • Adolescent Development: Turning 16

    My 16th birthday! Every birthday is always spent in Florida with my cousin Sam who was born the day before me! It is here when I realized that if you do not use your Spanish speaking skills normally, you lose them! So, I started talking more in Spanish in order not to forget my first language.
  • Emerging Aduthood: Dropping out Of High School

    I was always travelling back and forth between Florida and Michigan and it was reflecting poorly on my academic performance. I spoke with my mother about getting my GED and going striaght to college. She agreed as long as I started college immediately. I took my first college classes in the spring of 2015, it was English and Math. My academic performance increased dramaticlly, and I was placed on the Dean's List for several semesters!
  • Emerging Adulthood: 18th Birthday

    My 18th birthday was the first birthday that I did not go to Florida. I spent my birthday here in Michigan because I had work and school and other priorities that simply did not allow me to leave. I am now a junior in college while all my friends are halfway through their senior year in high school. I am working towards a degree in Biochemistry that will allow me to go to medical school and become an ER surgeon.
  • Emerging Adulthood: Pyshcosocial Development

    I am building stronger relationships with friends and family, and I am not worried about being in a romantic relationship anytime soon. I live my life on my own terms and don't allow people to push me around.
  • Adulthood: Bisocial Development

    I do not plan on having children or being married by this point. I picture myself just starting out as a doctor and learning how to be the best possible doctor I can alongside all my doctor friends.
  • Adulthood: Cognitive Development

    By 2025, I should be a doctor for a few years. I should be able to find out what is good and what is bad about my job. By then, I should be developing techniques to enhance my performance as a doctor.
  • Adulthood: Psychosocial Development

    I hope that I get to move around alot and experience the world on a much larger scale. I have always wanted to be a surgeon out on the field in the military. I don't see a future for myself where I have children.
  • Late Adulthood: Bisocial

    When I am 57, I hope to be just as active as I am now. I hope I am actively going to the gym and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. I hope I am a successful doctor, with great achievements under my belt.
  • Late Adulthood: Cognitive Development

    I hope that I can continue to help people and be a great doctor by the time I am 67. If I can not work with paitents, I hope I can contribute to the community and be a resourceful tool for people in need. I hope I can learn and challenge myself with updated medical procedures.
  • Late Adulthood: Psychosocial Development

    I hope I continue to live life indulged in my work with close friends. I want to travel and help people in other countries and enjoy myself. I can't predict the future but I hope I am not the one who needs help, I want to be the one who is helping other people.
  • Death

    My predicted death is 99 years old. If I do live that long, I hope to not be dependent on others. I hope that I can still walk and do squats. If I die, I hope I die in my sleep instead of dying in pain.