James A Garfield

  • birthday of James A Garfield

    birthday of James A Garfield
    November 19,1831 is James A Garfields birthday
  • James A Garfield graduates college

    James A Garfield graduates college
    James A garfield graduates willams college in massachutes he also went to stanford
  • Married lucretia garfield

    Married lucretia garfield
    On November 11,1858 James A Garfield Married Lucretia Garfield
  • James A GArfield elected to the Ohio senate

    James A GArfield elected to the Ohio senate
    On April 27, 1859 James A Garfield was elected to the Ohio senate
  • James A Garfields daughter was born

    James A Garfields daughter was born
    On Sepetmber 4, 1860 Eliza just one of his daughters was born James A GArfield had seven kids
  • James A Garfield Became the youngest brigadier

    James A Garfield Became the youngest brigadier
    On may 18, 1862 JAmes became the youngest brigadier with the union army
  • James A Garfield elected to The House of Representitives

    James A Garfield elected to The House of Representitives
    On december 11, 1862 James A Garfield was elected to The House of Representitives
  • Eliza A Garfiled

    Eliza A Garfiled
    On Dec 3rd, 1863 Eliza A Garfield died she fell ill and died james came back from washington for her final hours they buried her the same day she died
  • James A Garfield gets elected as president

    James A Garfield gets elected as president
    On november 27 1880 James A Garfiield was elected as President of The United States of America
  • James A Garfield gets shot in the back by Charles Guiteau

    James A Garfield gets shot in the back by Charles Guiteau
    James A Garfield Was Shot in the back by Charles Guiteau in the back on July 2, 1881
  • James A Garfield dies from his assanation by Charles Guiteau

    James A Garfield dies from his assanation by Charles Guiteau
    On September 19, 1881 James A Garfield died from his wounds 80 days later. For those 80 days he just laid in his death bed and just waited to die
  • James A Garfield memorial servce

    James A Garfield memorial servce
    On september 25, 1881 James A Garfields memorial servce was held more than 150,000 citizens attend the servce