
Jean Piaget

  • Piaget is born

    Piaget is born
    Born in Neuchatel, Switzerland
  • Wrote 1st scientific paper at age 11

    Wrote 1st scientific paper at age 11
    Paper was on a rare part-albino sparrow which led him to his famous career
  • Started pulishing on his own

    Started pulishing on his own
    He published his first few articles on mollusks at age 15. One got him a job at Geneva's natural history museum which he turned down to further his education
  • Receieved doctoral degree

    Receieved doctoral degree
    Degree was for research on mollusks. He also participated in doctoral training from 1918-1919
  • Studied in Paris

    Studied in Paris
    studies included abnormal pysc, logic, epestimology, and language development in children
  • Developed standardized reasoning tests

    Developed standardized reasoning tests
    with Théodore Simon which led him to his question how do children learn?
  • Started working in children pyschology

    Started working in children pyschology
    he was the director of research, assistant director, and co-director at the Jean Jacques Rousseau Institute, and later part of Geneva University.
  • Married Valentine Chatenay

    Married Valentine Chatenay
    later had 3 children after 1925 named Jacqueline, Lucienne and Laurent.
  • Period: to

    Professor of history of scientific thought

    at Geneva University
  • Became director of the Pyschology Lab

    Became director of the Pyschology Lab
    At Geneva
  • Founded the Center for Genetic Epistemology

    with help from the funds from the Rockefeller Foundation.
  • Founded/became director of the Institute for Educational Science

  • Defined 4 stages of intellecutal development

    Defined 4 stages of intellecutal development
    the sensorimotor stage, preoperational stage, concrete operational stage and the formal operation stage.
  • Piaget died in Geneva, Switzerland

    Piaget died in Geneva, Switzerland