Jesus's Events

  • Jesus Triumphant Entry into Jerusalem

    Jesus Triumphant Entry into Jerusalem
    Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey that has never been rode on before. The people watching loved him and say Hosanna the son of David blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. Hosanna in the highest. Mathew 21:1-11
  • The Last Supper

    The Last Supper
    In this event Jesus and his friends sit down and eat and then Jesus sees a vision about the future and how he will be betrayed by one of his friends and he will be captured and sentenced to death.
  • Jesus Agony in the Garden

    Jesus Agony in the Garden
    Jesus went to Gethsemane with his disciples and went by some water and kneeled down and started to pray about the future events that were going to happen
  • The arrest and Trial of Jesus

    The arrest and Trial of Jesus
    Jesus gets arrested in the middle of the night which is illegal but they didn't want anyone to know about it because they would support him and they had their secret meeting and found him guilty of blasphemy and sentenced him to death>
  • Peter's Denial of Jesus

    Peter's Denial of Jesus
    Peter told the crowd that he didn't know of Jesus and denied him three times like Jesus said he would
  • Jesus before Pilate

    Jesus before Pilate
    Jesus was preparing for his dark future and was trying to pray to his father
  • The Death of Judas

    The Death of Judas
    Judas feels really bad about betraying Jesus and decides to hang himself instead of dealing with the guilt
  • The Way of The Cross

    The Way of The Cross
    They met a man from cyrene named simon and made him carry the cross.
  • The Crucifixion

    The Crucifixion
    Jesus was crucified with two other people and he was put in the middle
  • The Death of Jesus

    The Death of Jesus
    Jesus died in three hours of hanging there which was really lucky because most people just hang there for days
  • The Burial of Jesus

    The Burial of Jesus
    They buried Jesus before Passover and they did it in a cave hey found
  • The Resurrection of Jesus

    The Resurrection of Jesus
    Jesus rose from the dead three days after he died and ascended to Heaven.
  • The Commissioning of the Disciples

    The Commissioning of the Disciples
    Jesus gave a speech to his disciples and told them that he was the God of Heaven and Earth and they were to worship him and believe
  • The Ascension of Jesus

    The Ascension of Jesus