By KH6
  • Lorena Dominguez

    Lorena was born in this day. She was born in Canadà.
  • Sergi Lopez

    Sergi was born in this day, he was born in Barcelona (Spain)
  • Marta Solavera

    Marta was born in this day. She was born in Iowa (E.E.U.U)
  • Anna Alvarez

    Anna was born in this day. She was born in Barcelona (Spain)
  • Anna Espuga

    Anna was born in this day. Anna was born in Barcelona (Spain)
  • Marc Garcia

    Marc was born in this day. He was born in Barcelona (Spain)
  • beginning

    this year was when they met, first Annas met Marc in a Bar, then they met Sergi in the street. The next person was Lorena in a fotoshoot and finally they met Marta in a bar at the beach.
  • KH

    About this year the group becomes oficial, and starts the new age of KH.
  • They never knew

    this is their first single, it was written by anna.A, Marta and Sergi.
  • Jail

    This is their first album jail. This album consists in 8 songs, writted and composed by the members of the group.
  • first concert

    Their first concert was in Apolo and 1200 people came to saw it. They promoted their first album "Jail".
  • WorldTour

    In 17th of March the world tour began. The world tour was held in: Barcelona, ​​France, Germany, London, Argentina, Mexico, Brazil, E.E.U.U, Canada, Moscow, China and Thailand.