• 1920's Free Lifestyle (movies, radio, jazz automobile travel)

  • Teapot Dome Scandal

    Named for nearby rock formation that resembled a teapot, officials in Harding's administration planned to lease government land in Wyoming to oil companies for cash.
  • Warren. G. Harding becomes 29th President

    Harding had one of the most corrupt presidencies and died from a heart attack in Aug 1923 before his term expired.
  • Emergency Immigration/Emergency Quota Act of 1921

    Act limited the flow of Southern and Eastern Europeans immigration. Mexicans were excluded from the quota requirements.
  • Calvin Coolidge becomes 30th President after death of President Harding

  • National Origins Act 1924

    In addition to Emergency Quota Act, immigrants from Asia were restricted and quota reduced to 2% from each country.
  • Scope's Trial

    School teacher John Scopes is tried for teaching evolution. Scopes was found guilty of violating the law and fined $100 though this sentence was later overturned.
  • 2nd Inauguration of Calvin Coolidge

  • Charles Lindbergh completes solo flight from New York to Paris

    Lindbergh became American aviator who made the first nonstop solo flight across the Atlantic Ocean in 33 hours.
  • The Jazz Singer

    First successful full-length feature film with synchronized words and pictures.
  • The Great Depression 1929 - 1939

    Tens of thousands of Midwestern farmers flee the Dust Bowl in to California in search of work.
  • Herbert Hoover becomes 31st President

  • Stock Market Crash known as Black Tuesday

    After multi-billion dollar decline starting September 3, stock market crashes on October 29, 1929.
  • Smoot Hawley Tariff of 1930

    Because of the depression, Pres. Hoover enacted the highest tariff in American History which resulted in a negative reaction overseas and increase in tariffs from other countries.
  • Bonus Army

    WWI veterans set up tent city, Hoovervilles, near Washington D.C to force Congress to pass a bill that would immediately provide them with cash payments from previous service in WWI.
  • Franklin D. Roosevelt

    As the Democratic presidential candidate, he introduced his plan called the 'New Deal' to America to help bring the country out of the depression
  • Adolph Hitler

    Hitler is appointed as Chancellor, the leader of the German Nazi party.
  • Franklin D. Roosevelt becomes 32nd President - 1st inaguration

    He served 4 terms and during his time launched his New Deal.
  • Emergency Banking Order

    Roosevelt signs a Emergency Banking order for bank holiday to stabilize banking system, set up new safeguards and restore the public's confidence in the banking system.
  • Fireside Chats

    Franklin D. Roosevelt's presidential radio address to the nation.
  • Glass Steagall Act

    Established federal deposit insurance and separated commercial and investment banking.
  • Wagner Act

    Guaranteed worker's right to unionize and bargain collectively
  • Social Security Act

    Provided pensions to elderly and assistance to unemployed persons.
  • German troops occupy Rhineland

    Hitler defies Versailles Treaty
  • Court Packing Scheme

    Roosevelt attempts to add additional justices for each judge over 70
  • Japan invades China

    Japan tries to secure supremacy in the region and obtain materials for industrial needs.
  • Fair Labor Standards Act

    Set the national minimum wage to $0.25/hour
  • The Grapes of Wrath

    Novel published by John Steinbeck to draw attention to plight of those affected by Great Depression
  • Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact

    Hitler and Stalin sign a non-aggression pact and agree to divide Poland.
  • German forces invade Poland

    Hitler determined to seek revenge on European countries for treatment of Germany after WWI
  • Hitler launches attack on Western Europe

  • Operation Sea Lion

    Hitler's planned invasion of British Isles.
  • Holocaust

    Millions of Jews and civilians murdered by the German military
  • Franklin D Roosevelt 3rd Inaguration

  • Hitler breaks Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact

    Hitler breaks secret 1939 non-aggression pact with Soviet Union.
  • Roosevelt's Fair Employment Practice in Defense Industries Act

    President Roosevelt issued Executive Order # 8802 which established the Fair Employment Practices Committee to end racial discrimination in the federal government and defense industries.
  • Attack on Pearl Harbor

    Surprise attack by the Japanese in Hawaii where 2400 Americans were killed.