Linux Timeline

  • Begining of Linux

    Begining of Linux
    Linus Torvalds begins work on Linux as a personal project.
  • The first version release

    The first version release
    The first version of Linux (0.01) is released for free via an internet newsgroup.
  • The Linux kernel is relicensed

    The Linux kernel is relicensed
    The Linux kernel is relicensed under the GNU General Public License (GPL), ensuring it remains free and open-source.
  • The formation of the Linux distribution Debian

    The formation of the Linux distribution Debian
    The formation of the Linux distribution Debian, emphasizing community-driven development. Debian is a Linux-based operating system for a wide range of devices including laptops, desktops, and servers.
  • The release of Linux 1.0.

    The release of Linux 1.0.
    In March 1994, they launched Linux 1.0.0, which had 176,250 lines of code. This was the first version that was good enough to use for real projects and work.
  • The adoption of the penguin "Tux"

    The adoption of the penguin "Tux"
    The penguin named "Tux" became the official mascot for Linux in a pretty cool way. The story goes that Linus Torvalds, the creator of Linux, got bitten by a penguin while visiting Australia. Linus thought penguins were pretty chill and suggested the idea of using a penguin as Linux's mascot.
  • Major corporations begin to support Linux

    Major corporations begin to support Linux
    Major corporations like IBM and Oracle begin to support Linux, recognizing its reliability and potential for enterprise use.
  • The launch of the Linux Foundation

    The launch of the Linux Foundation
    The launch of the Linux Foundation, supports the growth and commercial adoption of Linux.
  • The development of Git by Linus Torvalds

    The development of Git by Linus Torvalds
    Linus Torvalds, who made Linux, created Git in 2005 to keep track of changes in Linux's code easier. Now, Git is super popular among coders for keeping their projects organized and making teamwork smoother.
  • Android is unveiled

    Android is unveiled
    Android, which is based on the Linux kernel, is unveiled, later becoming the world's most popular mobile operating system.
  • Linus Torvalds is awarded the Millennium Technology Prize

    Linus Torvalds is awarded the Millennium Technology Prize
    Linus Torvalds won the Millennium Technology Prize for his huge impact on tech with his work. It's a big deal award that recognizes his awesome contributions, like creating Linux.
  • Linux celebrates its 24th anniversary

    Linux celebrates its 24th anniversary
    Linux celebrates its 24th anniversary, dominating the server, mobile, and embedded markets.
  • Linux kernel 4.13 is released

    Linux kernel 4.13 is released
    The Linux kernel 4.13 version was released, packing in some cool new updates and features. It's like giving your computer a major upgrade, making it run smoother and handle tasks better.
  • Linux 5.0 is released

    Linux 5.0 is released
    Linux 5.0 is released featuring significant updates and improvements.
  • Linux today

    Linux today
    Linux continues to be at the heart of cloud computing, IoT, and AI developments.