Literacies in my life

  • Moving to Houston

    Moving to Houston
    The picture shows the uneasy feeling that I was experiencing on the drive from where I used to live to here in Houston. Moving from place to place can be very scary and the emotions that one gets are not easy to deal with especially when transferring schools and having to make a whole new set of friends. I view this as emotional literacy because in that situation a person has to learn to deal with emotions they might not have experienced before.
  • My first phone

    My first phone
    The picture represents all of the saving that I had to do in order to get the phone that I wanted. I view this as Business Literacy because in order to get what someone wants people have to learn how to manage their money efficiently and only spend it on things that they really need.
  • Competing in

    Competing in
    This picture represents the feeling that I got when going to the event. everyone was trying to not lose to the other competitors. I categorized this event as Information Literacy because people go to find information on their topics and they decide if they can use what they find on their topic. The image describes the feeling I had while watching the others try their hardest to impress the judges.
  • My first job

    My first job
    This picture represents my attitude when I got my first job in construction. The job itself wasn’t all that rewarding but I still worked hard to keep it. I view this as Business Literacy because at the time I was trying to save up for a phone that I wanted. My parents told me to find a way to pay it for myself and I did. The image represents what I learned from my coworkers, I came to find out that I wasn’t the only one that was working to buy myself something. There are a lot of people who go t
  • Graduating from High School

    Graduating from High School
    The picture shows my state of mind when I graduated high school. My mind was in disorder. When you graduate there is a really important decision that you have to make and that is whether you are going to college or are you going straight to go and find a job. I consider this event to be an example of Emotional Literacy because you have to evaluate yourself and come to a decision on whether you are ready to go to college.
  • My first serious relationship

    My first serious relationship
    This picture shows all of the unimportant things that were going on in my mind whenever I started my first relationship. Whenever someone gets in a new relationship many unimportant things that seem important at the time come rushing into one’s head. I view this as emotional literacy because whether your first relationship is a good or bad one the result will be that you mature a little more when it comes to the opposite sex.
  • My first car

    My first car
    This picture represents the whole how I felt when my dad was explaining everything that I needed to know just in case something unforeseen were to happen while I was driving. When I got my first car it was the start of a whole new set of responsibilities in my life. People have to make sure they don’t get into any accidents, pay for gas, fix any parts of the car that gets broken, etc. I view this as visual literacy becuase you have to interpret the signs on the road while you drive.
  • Getting my drivers license

    Getting my drivers license
    This picture represents the hypothetical weight being lifted from my shoulders when I saw that I had passed my drivers test. All of the stress that I was feeling while driving without a license was gone. For me this is also emotional literacy because you have to adjust your mind in order to be able to meet the new responsibilities that you have.
  • Applying to college

    Applying to college
    This picture was what I was doing when high school was almost ending, people spend countless hours trying to find the ideal colleges for them and it is not easy. There are many factors that go into picking out a college and it goes without saying that the time spent researching is a lot. I consider this to be an example of Information Literacy because a person searches for information pertaining to colleges that they are interested in and decide if the information that they find is relevant or n