
Louis Braille

  • Louis Braille Birth

    Louis Braille Birth
    Louis Braille is born in Coupvray, France. He is a son of 4 in a family. His parents are called Simon-René and Monique
  • Louis Braille Education

    Louis Braille Education
    By age of 10 Braille has decided to change schools.It’s name was Royal Institute for Blind Youth and it was one of the top schools for blind people. It was the base of which turned out to be an amazing life for Louis.
  • Publishing of “ Braille”

    Publishing of “ Braille”
    Braille published his first writing for blind people. Guess what! In order to publish it he had to use the awl( same object that blinded him ).But it wasn't complete yet. Later on in 1837 he changed it more and made it less complex.
  • Louis Braille Career

    Louis Braille Career
    He became a big professor in still the same school he was taught. He taught algebra, geometry, and lastly history,
  • Louis Braille Death

    Louis Braille Death
    Louis Braille died very young due to normal illness. He died at age of 43. Lots of museums have Louis Braille sculptures.