Miller Presidential Duties

  • George Washington as Commander in Chief

    George Washington as Commander in Chief
    During a time of need, Washington took charge of the continental army in battle against Great Britain. It is important as Commander in Chief that the President take charge of the armed forces and guide them where they are needed most.
  • James Madison as Chief Executive

    James Madison as Chief Executive
    Madison had signed legislation to create the second united states bank. He continued to serve as a representative of the Constitutional Convention until his death. Madison also was the father of the constitution. Not only that, but he also was a force behind the Bill of Rights we also have today.
  • Abraham Lincoln as Chief Executive

    Abraham Lincoln as Chief Executive
    House Divided Speech President Lincoln explained in his "House Divided" speech how a country divided cannot stand on its own. He calls for the country to make up itds mind on slavery. He makes us have our own decision and want to act upon it. He must inforce laws that are created, and he is summoning us to do our part in that process.
  • William McKinley as Party Leader

    William McKinley as Party Leader
    McKinley was a strong republican leader even before his election. He served two terms as Ohio governer. In 1893, during the depression he had called upon congress to enact what would be considered the highest tarrif in history. In 1872 he had won the Ohio governer election by the highest popular votes at the time.
  • Dwight D. Eisenhower Legislative Leader

    Dwight D. Eisenhower Legislative Leader
    Dwight D. Eisenhower signed the Landrum-Griffin Act dealing with a labor union and its members. It granted the union members specific rights and establishes a Bill of RIghts for said members. It also provides reporting requirements, safeguards, and standards to protect those labor union fundings and assets.
  • John F. Kennedy Head of State

    John F. Kennedy Head of State
    John F. Kennedy John F. Kennedy gives his inauguration speech asking what the citizens could do for their country. Also sharing what he would like to see what the country will become in the future. Acting as the Head of State should be, allowing citizens to understand what the country should become with the Presidents plans.
  • Ronald Reagan as an Economic Leader

    Ronald Reagan as an Economic Leader
    Ronald Reagon was a significant economic leader during his presidency. He had put into play the Economic Reocvery Tax Act or 1981 to allow the country to bounce back in economic proportions. His act worked slowly but was concidered a very effective plan to put the country back into place.
  • Barack Obama as Chief Diplomat

    Barack Obama as Chief Diplomat
    Obama visits Cuba Barack Obama visits Cuba for the first time and marks the 54 years of the U.S-Cuba trade embargo. The two discussed differences between the countries and what could be fixed between them. It is a very histroical event for the two countries.