
  • 1200 BCE

    Cowry sells

    Cowry sells
    Were first used as money in China
    around 1200 BC.
    The first coins were made in Lydia, in present day
    Turkey, in the 7th century BC and soon spread all
    over the Mediterranean countries. Lydian coins were
    made from a mixture of gold and silver and they were stamped with the
    badge of the King.
  • 1100

    Paper money

    Paper money
    Was first used in the 11th century by the Mongolian Emperor,
    Kubla Khan, in China. European banknotes appeared in 1661 and were
    issued in Stockholm, Sweden.
  • Cheques

    Cheques are simply signed instructions to banks to pay money directly from
    one account into another. The first cheque was handled by British bankers
    Clayton and Morris in 1659.
  • Cash registers

    Cash registers
    Were invented by the American
    saloon-bar owner James Ritty in 1879. His objective
    was to stop dishonest employees from stealing money.
  • Credits cards

    Credits cards
    Cards, or ‘plastic money’, enable people to buy
    things or services and pay for them later by means of
    cash or a cheque. The first credit card was issued in
    1950 by the Diner’s Club and could be used in any one
    of 27 restaurants in New York. Today, all banks issue
    their own credit cards, which can be used all over the