Motorcycle Diarires

By mtobi
  • Argentina

    Cordoba to Buenos Aires
  • San Francisco,Santa Fe Province

    Erensto Guevara's older friend Alberto Grande decided to take a year off from medical studies to go on a trip they talked about for many years.
  • The Begining Of The Journey

    Ernesto graduates as an doctor and soon embarks on another journey around Latin America where Peru,Bolivia,Panama,Costa Rica,and Guatamla where is meets Antonio.
  • Ernesto's Political Views

    Ernesto escaped to and Mexico and contacts a group of Cuban revolutionary exiles.
  • Meeting Fidel Castro

    After they met Fidel Castro he agreed to join the group being organized to wage guerrila war against the Batista dictatorship.
  • Sailing To His Destination

    He sailed as the troop's doctor on the yacht Granma,.