Multicultural Education

  • Samuel A Kirk uses the term "learning disabilities"

    Samuel A Kirk uses the term "learning disabilities"
    Samuel A Kirk uses the term "Learning disabilities" during a conference in Chicago and due to that in 1964 the Association with Learning Disabilities is formed
  • Bilingual Education Act

    Bilingual Education Act
    The Bilingual Education Act becomes a Law. Also known as Title VII.
  • The Indian Education Act Becomes Law

    The Indian Education Act Becomes Law
    The law establishes a " comprehensive approach to meeting the unique needs of American Indian and Alaska Native students"
  • "Why Johnny Can't Write."

    "Why Johnny Can't Write."
    This cover story from Newsweek heat up the debate about national literacy and gives motivation to the back-to-the-basics movement.
  • Emergency Immigrant Education Act

    Emergency Immigrant Education Act
    This act provided services and offset the cost for school districts that had unexpectedly large numbers of immigrant students.
  • Immigration Nationality Act of 1990

    Immigration Nationality Act of 1990
    This act increased annual immigration to 700,000 adding even more diversity to schools.
  • Prop 187

    Prop 187
    This proposition was voted on in California denying benefits including public education to undocumented illegal aliens. Later the prop was overturned.
  • Georgia and their Pre-schools

    Georgia and their Pre-schools
    Georgia became the first state to offer universal preschool to all four year old's.
  • "Mental Retardation" changes to "Intellectual Disability"

    "Mental Retardation" changes to "Intellectual Disability"
    The American Association on Mental Retardation changes its name to American Association on Intellectual Disability to follow the trend of eliminating "retardation"
  • Alabama checks immigration status

    Alabama checks immigration status
    Alabama becomes the first state to check the immigration status of students, this was ruled unconstitutional in Plyer v. Doe.