My life

My life

By Bálint
  • Berzeviczy

    It was a hard choice of my life. I was living on Óbuda and this school was so far from our flat, compare to my elementary shool.
    Opportunity cost: I couldn't go to a shool which was far closer and I knew some people there. I also stopped learning german language to learn english.(I learned german for 8 years 5 lesson a week.
  • New Living place

    I moved out to the 8th districtfrom Óbuda. By this decidion I could spend more time with my mother and I think it's priceless.
    Opportunity cost: I left the place where I grew up and known all my friends.
  • Dorm

    After some months it became more and more uncomfortable to live there in the 8th district because our flat was very small and I didn't liked the area. To answer this problem I went to a dorm.
    Opportunity cost: It was further from my shool. I can't see my family as often as I could before.
  • Breakfast

    An usual decidion in my everyday life: I can't decide what to eat in the morning before school. Sandwitch or cereal. This day I made the decidion what I almost all the time make.
    I had no breakfast because if i make anything I'm late for the first lesson.
    Opportunity cost: I have to spend my money on food or I'm starving untill the long break when I can have lunch at school