
My life timeline

  • I was born

    I was born here in Bogota, Colombia
  • I started to discover I liked to dance

    In my kindergarden we did a closure show at the end of the year, and the 2 or 3 years that I spent there, I was the protagonist, I danced and "act", it was my first experience on stage and I decided I loved it
  • I met my best friend

    On my first class, the first day of school I met a crazy little girl that I call my best friend today, we became friends on our first school year and we've been friends ever since
  • I entered to school

    I didn't know at the time but this was about to be my favourite place ever, I ended up spending 11 years in the Abraham Lincoln Shcool, I loved it there and many of my best memories where built there
  • I was in the top of my class on elementary school

    The 4 years I spent in elementary school I was on the class top 5, every period, every year, which made me believe in me and proove myself I was actually smart, so I was always on the honnor roll and all teachers always told my parents I was a great student (and this was important for me because I was very known to be a good student, and it was very important for me)
  • My parents split up

    When I was around 11 or 12, my parents decided to separate from each other and I started to live with my mom, and spend every 2 weekends with my dad, but it didn't afecct me in a negative way, I was actually waiting for them to finally do it because I knew the relationship just wasn't working anymore
  • I started to do bad at school

    I changed from being on the top of my class to losing several classes per period, every period, for about 3 years, I have never been able to explain it, it just happened and my parents were very worried
  • I changed my friend group

    I ended up in 3 different friend groups in one year, which was probably the hardest year I've had by now, but it was worth it because it led me to be in the group I am in now, filled with great people
  • I failed a year

    I failed 8th grade on the school I thought I was going to graduate from, it felt like the world was ending to me, it was very serious, after it happened I stayed in bed sad all day just sleeping for about 6 months, I felt depressed and I felt like I wasn't enough, it was lifechanging for me
  • I entered a new school

    After being pretty much depressed for 6 months I finally got into a new school, I wasvery nervous about it but at the end it was great and probably the best thing that has happened to me, even tho I miss my friends from my old school, getting into a new one was very helpfull for me, now I'm doing great at school again and I feel enough and confident because of it