My language learnng timeline

  • the day I was born

    This day was when I was born. I was the second son of the family,
  • My first word: "zapato".

    this day was really important because was the day I said my first word which usually is mom or dad but mine was shoe.
  • the first day I went to nursery school.

    This was one of the most important days for my parents because was the first day I was outside of my house without them.
  • the first day I went to primary school.

    the first day I went to primary school.
  • the first day I started english classes in Fiac.

    this day was the first time I went to a English class.
  • the first day I went to another english academy, Elms school.

    this day was really important because was the first day I really started to learn english because in Fiac, low levels are quite useless.
  • the first I went to high school

    this day was the first one I went to high school.