
My Science Timeline

  • Early Science Discoveries

    Early Science Discoveries
    As I child I as able to hands on explore the world around me. These early experienced shaped how I would see the world. Like wise I think all through a child's science development they should be given structure to make their own discoveries and have hands on experiences with science.
  • Early Chemistry Cooking!

    Early Chemistry Cooking!
    I often helped my mom to cook throughout my childhood. This set an early foundation for principles of chemistry. I loved cooking. It was fascinating to see how bread would rise.
  • Zoo and Beam Museum

    Zoo and Beam Museum
    From an early age my parents would take me to the zoo. This helped me to be fascinated with animals. My parents would also take our family to the BYU beam museum, and I loved looking at the butterflies. We often had pets too. I felt connected to science later in classes when we would talk about animals because of these previous experiences.
  • Gardening as a child

    Gardening as a child
    The epitome of summer as a child was out in the garden. It included helping my dad to plant corn. Harvesting tomatoes and green beans with my friend Shikaya and sitting on the grass eating. I remember getting itchy from the tomato plants, but not caring because even just the green stems smelled so good. I loved watching the plants grow and playing in the dirt. I even loved weeding.
  • My First Science fair in 2nd grade

    My First Science fair in 2nd grade
    My project was on how plants drink. I loved flowers so this was a way that I could be interested in the science. I loved telling people how my plants changed color. In trying to come up with a science fair project my mom helped me a lot. In later years I remember her expressing how hard it was for her to help create science fair projects that would meet all of the requirements to get good scores. That made me think that science is really hard to meet all the requirements.
  • Family Vacation-Goblin Valley

    Family Vacation-Goblin Valley
    My Family took a trip to Goblin Valley. I remember feeling in awe with how the land looked and was curious to how it formed. This helped me to be more curious about the world we live in.
  • Magic School Bus and Bill Nye

    Magic School Bus and Bill Nye
    I enjoyed watching these shows about science. Often they made science much more enjoyable than I experienced during elementary. We were always so excited to watch the shows, but when my teachers would teach I felt I would be bored or confused. So I think teacher needs to presented in a way to students that helps them to be interested.
  • 4-H Dinosaur Museum

    4-H Dinosaur Museum
    I had an over night sleepover at the Thanksgiving dinosaur museum. I thought it was so cool because I got to sleep under the "huge dinosaur with the long neck". I had a friend who was really into dinosaurs. I felt inadequate talking about dinosaurs around him. I was so sleepy the second day that I didn't care about seeing another dinosaur.
  • Clark Planetarium

    Clark Planetarium
    For a year my family had a pass to the Clark Planetarium. This helped me to feel that my family is interested in science and that learning about it can be a family event and can be really fun. I loved watching shows in the digital dome planetarium. My learning though mostly stayed with the planetarium, I didn't do much learning about the things i learned there or apply it outside of those experiences.
  • Why is the Sky Blue?

    This question was posed to me by my 5th grade teacher. I had no clue. Mr. Thompson taught us, and I still didn't know. I didn't understand his explanation. This is one of the first moments I remember being frustrated that I didn't understand science and felt it was beyond my grasp to understand something that should be simple.
  • Solar Ovens

    Solar Ovens
    Mr. Thompson in fifth grade, was making a tremendous effort to try to help us enjoy science. This is what I thought. We got to try to make solar ovens using a pizza box to cook smores. I thought this idea was great! However I was disappointed that it didn't really seem to work for most of the ovens.
  • Bug Collection

    Bug Collection
    In Jr. High science class we collected bugs. I loved this because it was hands on and I got to be out in nature for it. I felt like most girls thought this was disgusting, but I realized I was not like all the other girls. I thought it was actually interesting to compare bugs and classify them.
  • Biology ChaCha

    Biology ChaCha
    Sugar, Phosphate, base, Bah! We chanted this throughout the halls in a ChaCha line. Little did I know I would still remember this chant 10 years later. It was so fun an unique and definitely helped me to remember these components of DNA.
  • Science Deam Team

    Science Deam Team
    I participated on this team with our instructor. Mr. Panee. First off, he was a teacher who I felt like really made science interesting from day one. We should us marvelous things and let us make hypothesis. I was the historian on the team, and enjoyed documenting the experiences and every assembly watching the science demonstrations and watching young students participate and laugh because of science. (Giant bubble, laying on a bed of nails, static electricity, sound waves, etc.)
  • High School Physics

    This seemed like a bad idea to take Physics with Mr. Clark sophomore year of High School. It was really difficult and included math that I didn't understand. However I worked really hard to try to understand and still earned an A in the class. A lot of the class was based of experiments. Coming out of this class I felt like I hated science, because it was too difficult.
  • Grandpa John

    Grandpa John
    My grandpa had an influence on my impression of science. He was a Physics professor at BYU. During my difficult times in Physics we would help me. I would listen, but I could hardly understand what he was saying too. But I felt like he was a very wise man and I hoped to one day have some sort of understanding for science like he does. He helped me to understand science is in so much of life!
  • David Van Dijk- High School Chemistry

    During this time of High School I was a quiet and shy student who and kept to myself. I enjoyed him because he made chemistry fun, because he was so excited about it. I had a friend in the class, but later on she ended up moving. I realized Van Dijk noticed me as a student and would build a relationship with me even though I felt like other students would not. He noticed I did not have other students who I felt I could connect. This gave me more motivation to succeed.
  • Science Fair

    Science Fair
    For Van Dijk's class we were required to participate in the science fair. I was in shock when I was asked to go to the state science fair. I didn't really want to because I just did it for the grade, and didn't really care about it unlike other people who were eager to go. I did it based on Jr. High video games and if students thought they were addicted.
  • College Biology UVU

    My first science class at UVU I thought was the hardest class I had ever taken in my life. My teacher didn't really teach. I had to teach myself before the class period she would discuss our homework. It was really hard this way, but really satisfying to feel like I had figured it out on my own and then was able to help other students to understand. We had a final that was a group final so I new I had to know it well to help other students.
  • UVU Chemistry

    I laughed the first day I had this class because it was taught by a little Asian man who's motto was, "Grin and bear it." That became my motto for the class as well. I found it was really hard, but also really enjoyable. It felt so rewarding to understand something new and complex and I seemed to be able to understand easier than people around me, So it was nice to feel like I could help them to understand.
  • UVU Biotechnology

    This class was for fun, because I needed another science credit and my brother recommended it. I hardly even understood what was being talked about. Somehow I made it though the class with an A, but feeling like I couldn't tell you what I had learned. I had to create an idea for a biotechnology invention and describe how it might work. I did it on a invention to prevent a heart attack. I didn't know if my reasoning was correct, but I tried and it was meaningful invention for me.
  • Medical Laboratory Science

    Science turned out to be fascinating for me which launched me into thinking I wanted to be a Medical Laboratory Scientist. I transferred to BYU and took the beginning course. I loved it. It was so fascinating to me to look closely at blood or urine samples and what that could tell me about a person. However I decided that it wasn't the field for me. I thought it was really cool, but did not think like a dedicated scientist deep down.
  • Hobby of Gardening

    Randomly I became really interested in gardening and had the chance to do my parents garden. I loved it! I had no idea how to garden from preparing the soil, watering, etc. All I knew how to do was weed. So I took initiative to do some research on my own and tried to understand the more of the science of gardening.
  • Current Beliefs

    How I think and feel about science: I think science is really amazing, and fascinating. It can be difficult for me at times, but it is meaningful to learn. Students can also love science.
    About Science teaching: It needs to be exciting, and hands-on. I am looking forward to teaching it, and helping my students to discover science for themselves. My attitude about science will affect my students attitudes. Instilling confidence and relationships with students, will help.