Timeline  cd player

My technology history

  • Wall phone

    Wall phone
    This is the first phone I remember. We had ours in between our kitchen and our living room. It had a long chord that hung down to give you some distance to walk if you needed to continue talking on the phone.
  • video Cassettes

    video Cassettes
    This is the first thing I remember about watching movies. We still have a huge video cassette collection of disney movies I used to watch when I was a young girl.
  • video camera

    video camera
    My grandpa always had his video camera and had his old one for a really long time that he would use that had small tapes in them.
  • CD player

    CD player
    I loved when I got my first CD player. I was able to take it on trips and listen to my own music in the car.
  • Headlight projector

    I remember my teachers using this in school to write on or to show different papers that were clear.
  • laptops

    This is when laptops were just coming out. It was so cool to be a kid and to have your own to play games on or as a learning device.
  • cell phones

    cell phones
    It was amazing that what we used to use to make phone calls could then travel with us. Then things got crazier with texting, emailing, having internet access and doing everything else with cell phones.
  • Game boy color

    Game boy color
    I loved my game boy color. It was the only thing I really had to play games on because my parents wouldn't allow video games in our house.
  • ipod

    I was so excited when I got my ipod because of how much smaller it was than my CD player and that I could have a lot of music on there instead of one CD.
  • smart board

    smart board
    I remember being amazed by this when I first saw these in schools. It was like a computer and whiteboard mixed which I never thought would happen.