my important events

  • my first console

    that day I was happy it was a very beautiful nintendo 64 how to play super mario 64 every day
  • my entrance to school

    That day was very good for me because it was my first time, although I didn't feel like that, but I did feel special that day.
  • my first tooth out

    It was very important because of the experience and because I felt it as it was and it is something for the first time that we become happy and that is why I consider it important to me
  • my first time in an amusement park

    That day I felt so happy because I rode the roller coasters I love adrenaline so I had a great time afterwards I rode a seesaw that goes around the entire turn and it was incredible
  • my first trip

    That day was a spectacular trip to Bogota for three days I remember that I also went to a roller coaster and a spinning hammer had a good time because of the cold and it is very good to be there