Natasha S.

  • When was J.E.B Stuart born?

    When was J.E.B Stuart born?
    Stuart was born on February 6, 1833
  • When, where, and how did he die?

    When, where, and how did he die?
    Stuart die on May 12, 1864, Richmond, VA, and was killed in action.
  • Who were his parents and siblings?

    Who were his parents and siblings?
    His mother was Elizabeth Letcher Pannill Stuart and his father was Archibald Stuart. Stuart was the only child.
  • Where did he grow up?

    Where did he grow up?
    He grew up in Virginia.
  • Battle fought in.

    Battle fought in.
    He fought in American Civil War, Gettysburg Campaign, & More.
  • One of the battles he was in.

    One of the battles he was in.
    Gettysburg Campaign. It was in Virginia, Maryland, and Pennsylvania.
  • Number of casualties in the battle?

  • Did he get married?

    Did he get married?
    Yes, his wife was Flora Cooke Stuart.
  • Did he have children?

    Did he have children?
    Yes, a daughter and a son. The son was named James Ewell Brown Stuart Jr. and the daughter was named Virginia Pelham Stuart.
  • Period: to

    Leaders in battle.

    Robert E. Lee And George G. Meade were the leaders in battle.
  • Period: to

    Who won the battle?

    George G. Meade won the battle.