Neil ArmStrong

By shann10
  • birth

    Neil Armstrong was born on August 5th 1930 by Wapakoneta, Ohio
  • pilots license

    pilots license
    at the age of 16 Neil earned his pilots licsene (august 5th was not exact day he earned his license)
  • aeronautical studies

    aeronautical studies
    In 1947 Neil began his studies in aeronautical engineering at Purdue Univeristy with his U.S. Navy scholarship (dec. 1st not specific date)
  • korean war

    korean war
    In 1949 he unforunately stoped his studies to serve in the Korean war. As a U.S. Navy pilot he flew 78 missions during his serving time. (oct. 20th not specific date)
  • after service

    after service
    In 1952 after his service neil then retured back to collage (dec. 21 not specific date)
  • marriage

    Neil married janet Shearon on the 28th of jannuary in 1956</a>On Jannuary 28th 1956 Neil maried Janet Shearon after he returned home from war and collage
  • son

    Neil and his wife added to their family and had a son named eric
    (dec 23 rd not specific date)</a>In 1957 Neil and his wife added to their family having a son born in 1957 (23th dec. not specific date)
  • Daughter

    In 1959 Neil and his wife also added more to their family in 1959 (dec 23 not specific date ) they had a duaghter named karen. Unfornetly karen died due to a brain tumor in Jannuary of 1962
  • NASA moon trip

    NASA moon trip
    IN 1969 Armstrong was annoced to be part of the first landing on the moon with Buzz Aldrin and Micheal Collins
    (jan 5th not specific date )
  • Moon launch

    Moon launch
    On July 16th 1969 the 3 men launched into space for the start of their moon landing
  • moon landing pt 2

    moon landing pt 2
    While walking on the moon the famous qout we all no " one small step for man one gaint leep for man kind" at 10:56 pm
  • moon landing

    moon landing
    On july 20th 1969 they landed on the moon and neil became the first man to walk on the moon next to BUzz Aldrin while micheal stayed on the pod.
  • return to earth

    return to earth
    On july 24th 1969 the 3 men returned to earth landing near the west of hawii in the pacific ocean
  • death

    On august 25th 2012 we unfortently had to say goodbye to neil as he passed away