Of Beetles and Angles 3

  • The Making of a Man 1

    Haileab was born in Seraye, Eritrea, in 1934. His father died shortly after his birth, and soon after that, his mother grew sick. She could not care for him. During his youth life, Haileab live in the monastery, and with his relative. Haileab's life was hard like no food to eat. He could goes with out eating for 2 to 3 days. When he have food, he would eat so much that like 7 or 8 meals. He had to work hard to find food and shelter.
  • The Making of a Man 2

    Haileab learn how to read at the monastery. While he was there he read from Anatomy, physiology, physics, mathematics, chemistry. He learn all the basic in science. One day, there was an exam from the Ethiopian government that who ever have the highest score of this government exam can be a physican. All the students were dream of becoming one, but they have to score high in the exam. So Haileab did enroll to take the exam as well too.
  • The Making of a Man 3

    Only one student that had score the highest of all. Haileab's score was the second highest, so he became a dresser who work beside the doctor too. He would walk for distance and miles out to help other in other village or cities.
  • The Making of a Man 4

    Several year later, Haileab marry Tsege and have Tewolde, Mawi and Mehert. Both of Haileab and Tsege, their family are from different side of the border. Back in the 19th century, when the Italians colonize Ethiopia, that have depart Haileab and Tsege's people away.
  • The Making of a Man 5

    As Haileab had been helping and healing others. His clinic start to grew and many people knowing him for his healer. He open his own clinic, people came to him from snakebites, wounds from their livestock, baby birth, etc..
  • The Unknow of a Man 5

    Not too soon, they were goes to Chicago and join their habesha refugee at the old hall banquet. Many time they were there, Haileab like to interrupt the program. He would goes up there and reciting geetmes or rhyming poem. Mawi was so embarrasse by that, sometime Mawi didn't want to admit that is his father.
  • The Making of a Man 6

    As his clinic is open and helps other, there are enemies that threated him, or warning him. It was difficult for him, some of his patient that he treat, their enemy were distorying his clinic too. Not too soon from it, he can no longer to be save open his clinic.
  • The Unknown of a Man 1

    When Haileab was back in Adi, he can do everything from snakebite to malaria. But when he was in the States, he cannot be doing that. So he have to work as a janitor for the Wheaton College. While Haileab's working there not to long he start to have medical problem from eyes sight.
  • The Unknow of a Man 3

    When Haileab's children were young in Elementary, he would wake them up early, make them practice by running around the field at Wheaton College track every time. He making sure his children were practice and run on the track like 2 laps around, sometime he even run with them too.
  • The Unknow of a Man 4

    When they move to Marian Park housing development, one day, Haileab aws raking leave around the park from dawn to night. He was doing the neighborhood a favor. He doesn't know where to dump the leave, so he decide that he should just be kind and burn the leave, the police and fire truck start coming and turn off the fire.
  • The Unknow of a Man 6

    Several year later, Mawi ran into a friend in Eritrean conference in Columbus, Ohio. He hear so many good things of his father (Haileab). How Haileab was some body back in their homeland heros. How Haileab had save their life. Some even say that Haileab was the son of Zedengel.
  • The Unknow of a Man 2

    As Haileab's physical condition is getting worst. He have to say at home. While staying at home, Haileab have to depend on other to do things for him. He was emotional fear that he could lost control of his pride. As back in Adi, many was depend on him and now he have to depend on other.