
Oil Spill Major Events

By al5xis
  • Explosion

    An explosion aboard the deep horizon drilling rig in the Gulf of Mexico kills 11 workers.
  • The Spillage

    The Spillage
    The rig sank and after burning 36 hours it could be releasing 8000 barrels of oil each day.
  • Water on Fire

    Water on Fire
    U.S. Coast Guard set fire to the oil in the water to prevent the oil from traveling to Louisianas wetlands.
  • $$$ on oil

    $$$ on oil
    BP reveals the oil spill cost the company over $350 million.
  • Leaking Oil Effects

    Leaking Oil Effects
    Researchers estimate as many as 70,000 barrels of oil are leaking into the Gulf per day, with a margin of error of plus or minus 20%, significantly higher than earlier estimates. BP tries to thread a tube into the broken wellhead in an effort to collect some of the leaking oil in surface ships.
  • Put a Lid On It

    Put a Lid On It
    BP places a cap atop the leaking wellhead, stopping much of the oil and gas leaking from the well.
  • Cleaning up the mess

    Cleaning up the mess
    BP announces that it'll be $20bn to compensate victims from the oil spill.
  • Texoil

    Oil from the spill reaches Texas, it has reached and affected all fice US Gulf Coast states.
  • Vanishing

    US scientists says the oil form the well has cleared from the sea surface faster than expected.
  • Patching the holes

    Patching the holes
    BP pumps cement to seal the damaged well after it was intercepted by a relief well.