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Partition of Africa

  • Period: Jan 1, 700 to Jan 1, 1100


  • Period: Jan 1, 800 to Jan 1, 1550


  • Period: Jan 1, 1300 to


  • Jan 1, 1400

    Exploration of Africa

    Exploration of Africa
    During the 1400s, Prince Henry sponsered many ships to go and explore the Western part of Africa. He got his nickname "Henry the Navigator" because he sponsered so many ships to go and discover new things. These voyages started the Age of Discovery, a time where Europeans sailed all around the world.
  • Jan 1, 1487

    Age of Exploration

    The Age of Exploration was a time period in which explorers searched for a route to India to find gold and trade spices.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1500 to

    Atlantic Slave Trade

  • Asante

    Asante or Ashanti was discovered by Osei Tutu after he conquered the Akan people. He was the leader of the Oyoko Clan. Asante was located in Southern Ghana. The golden stool is an important symbol to the Ashanti people.
  • Period: to

    Industrial Revolution

    The industrial revolution changed the whole entire country. Fabric was very hard to come by and took a multi-step process to create. With Arkwright's water frame, it made this very easy. Instead of people having one or two shirts, they could now have multiple due to the water frame being invented. This has formed the culture of factories in the modern day world. Threads could be mass produced with these machines, bringning in large amounts of profit.
  • Arkwright's Water Frame

    Arkwright's Water Frame
    Richsrd Arkwright was a man born in England in 1732. In his early working life, he was a wig-maker. Later he turned to an inventor when he invented something called a water frame. His water frame produced a cotton yarn. He made this machine for profit because it was very easy for anyone to operate.
  • Origin of Species

    Origin of Species
    The Origin of Species was a book written by Charles Darwin in 1859. This book explained different species of plants and animals and how they all came from common ancestors. Darwin's theory of evolution remains the focal point of biology in modern days.
  • Social Darwinism / Survival of the Fittest

    Social Darwinism / Survival of the Fittest
    The theory of the survival of the fittest explained how societies will get stronger as time goes on. This explained how the weaker individuals would die off and the strong ones would have children and generations to come would be strong.
  • Period: to

    Partition of Africa

    The Partition of Africa was when the Europeans were fighting about how to divide up the continent of Africa.