Partition of Africa Timeline

  • Period: Jan 1, 700 to Jan 1, 1100

    Ghana Begins and Falls

  • Period: Jan 1, 800 to Jan 1, 1550

    Mali Begins and Falls

  • Period: Jan 1, 1300 to

    Songhay Begins and Falls

  • Jan 1, 1400

    Exploration of Africa

    In the 1500s and 1600s, people from Europe began to see slaves as the one of the most important items in the African trade.
    The slave trade had was very immportante to the African states in the 1600s and 1700s. In West Africa the deaths of a lot of women and men made some small states dissaper Also some states depended on the slave trade.
  • Jan 1, 1487

    Age of Exploration 1487

    Age of Exploration 1487
    They belived in demonds and other bad spirets so they did not want to cross the ocean. They traveled across the world to search for new trading routs
  • Period: Jan 1, 1500 to

    Atlantic Slave Trade Begins and Ends

  • Asante

    The Asante Kingdom rose where present day Ghana is located.
    In 1600s, a military leader by the name of Osei Tutu, gained control of Kumasi. They were located to a nearby Kingdom. They needed to be ready to fight so the Tutu trained there men and it payed off once they won the battle
  • Industrial revolution 1750 - 1900

    Industrial revolution 1750 - 1900
    The industrial Revolution was very good for mass production is Yanr/fabric/whool. This made England a lot of money. This also was very bad because people would be lucky to have 1-2 shirts. Everyone was dirty and they did not bath often.
  • Arkwright’s water frame 1769

    Arkwright’s water frame 1769
    Richard Arkwright Was a self taught engineer who created/ invented machines for yarn. In 1755 he created mills in which thee process of manufacturing yarn was faster. Which was powered by at water wheel.
  • Charles Darwin

    Charles Darwin
    Charles Darwin was an english naturalist whose scientific theory of evolution which needed natural selection, became the base of modern evolutionary studies. Chareks Darwin used his theroy in 1837-1839 after returning from the HMS Begale. The Origin of Species was writtin in 1859, a book that has influenced modern Western society and what they think.
  • Social Darwinism and Survival of the Fittest

    Darwin used Spencer's phrase "survival of the fittest" as a referance to "natural selection" where it means "better designed for an immediate natural envoirment
  • Partition of Africa

    The Partition of Africa also known as the Comparison of Africa. This was when everyone tried to get into Africa, When people tried to divide up the people to make it even and the Colnization of Africa was for people to colonize it. This ended in 1914
  • Period: to

    Partition of Africa

    The Partition of Africa also known as the Comparison of Africa. This was when everyone tried to get into Africa, When people tried to divide up the people to make it even and the colonization of Africa.