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    Platos Death

    Platos Death
    Little is know about Platos' last years, however it is beleived that he died at 80.
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    In 367 BCE a young Aristotle began to study at The Academy.
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    Philosophor King

    Philosophor King
    Plato believed that a great ruler must know philosophy. As a result of this beleif he traveled to Syracuse (Sicily) to teach their King, Dionysius. However his attempts seemed to fail and he was cast out.
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    Plato Leaves Politics

    Plato Leaves Politics
    After studying under Socrates for a number of years Plato turns away from Politics and instead focuses on Philosophy.
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    Plato Meets Socrates

    Plato Meets Socrates
    Plato meets Socrates. They form a strong bond together, and Plato abandons his wish to be a playwrite and instead becomes a student of Socrates.
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    Platos Birth

    Platos Birth
    Plato was born in Athens, Greece in 427 BCE. It is believed that he was originally named Aristocles (after his grandfather) and that Plato referred to his large build.
  • Socrates Death

    Socrates Death
    Socrates was accused of denying the gods and corrupting youths by the Athenian government. He was offered the choice of either renouncing his views or drinking hemlock (deadly poison). He chose the hemlock. Plato was absent the day of Socrates' death, and after it he went into social seclusion.
  • Traveling and Teaching

    Traveling and Teaching
    For twelve years after Socrates' death Plato travelled around the Mediterranean, including Italy and Egypt. While doing so he learned and taught mathmatics, geometry, geology, astronomy and religion.
  • The Academy

    The Academy
    In 385 BCE Plato founded the Academy in Athens. The Academy was not like a school in present times. It is believed that Plato asked questions, and the students discussed the answers, and he lectured on topics like the ones found in his book The Republic.
  • Writings

    Little is known about Platos last years, but he did write the Parmenides, Theatetus, Sophist, Statesman, Timaeus, Critias, Philebus and Laws all before his death