Political Development of the Early Republic

By janeaaa
  • Washington becomes President

    Washington becomes President
    George Washington was not sure he wanted to be president . The American public greatly wanted him to be their first president. Washington wanted to make sure the office of president was respected at home abroad
  • Whiskey Rebellion

    Whiskey Rebellion
    This should that the authority of the federal government didnt have control over the people. It showed that people of all states were willing to fight
  • John Adams become President

    John Adams become President
    John Adams was a leader of the Revolution and had represnted the United States in peace negotiations with the Britain and had served as Vice President for two terms under President Washington . John Adams sided with the Federalists. He distrusted the common people and believed that liberty could best be preserved by a powerful government headed by a strong and able executive such as himself.
  • Alien and Sedition acts

    Alien and Sedition acts
    Republican newspaper and politicians lounched a scrier of virulent attacks on the president federalists as the deadst of vermat changed the adams was they tired to attack the president because he didnt not pick a side
  • Thomas Jerfferson becomes President

    Thomas Jerfferson becomes President
    Jefferson was the 3rd president. His republicain view that the federal government should be small , frugal and limit powers. he had faith in the coman man
  • Marbury V Madison

    Marbury  V Madison
    Marbury appealed to the Supreme Court to force Madison to deliver his commission. The decision was that Chief Justice John Marshall declared that William Marbury did indeed have a legal right to his commission and scolded Madison for withholding it. This established that the for the first time the power of the Surpreme Court to strike down an act of congress that violated the Constitution a power we todday call judicial review.
  • Louisiana Purchase

    Louisiana Purchase
    The Louisiana purchase was a piece of land . It viewed that the federal government should be smaller , frugal and limited in its power. some people feared for the future of the republic should large a territory be added to the nation.
  • Embargo Act

    Embargo Act
    The cause of the Embargo act was that many amercians wanted to go to war but jerfferson didnt want to because of the due to the budget cuts this is why the Embargo act was created.