Statue of liberty

Building of the Statue of Liberty

  • Proposes idea of statue

    Proposes idea of statue
    Proposes idea of robed woman holding a torch in a hand. Idea unsuccessful
  • Drawings of Statue of Liberty

    Drawings of Statue of Liberty
    Bartholdi starts creating sketches of the "Liberty" monument
  • Bartholdi seeks Laboulaye's assistance in trip to United States

    Bartholdi seeks Laboulaye's assistance in trip to United States
    promoting idea for a Franco-American monument on Bedoe's Island on the of New York Harbor. Tours country.
  • Bartholdi comes back to France

    Bartholdi comes back to France
  • Franco-American Union approved Bartholdi plaster model of statue

    Franco-American Union approved Bartholdi plaster model of statue
    Funds him with 600,000 thousand francs
  • Laboulaye asks U.S President Ulysses S Grant for permisson for land

    Laboulaye asks U.S President Ulysses S Grant for permisson for land
    Asks for permisson for Bedloe Island to be the spot where the monument stands
  • Bartholdi returns to the US

    Bartholdi returns to the US
    Hand and torch are shipped with him
  • Construction starts

    Construction starts
    Hnad and torch are completed. Sent to US for display in Philadelphia
  • Ulysses S Grant signs bill

    Ulysses S Grant signs bill
    Bedloe Island to be the designated place where the monument goes
  • Statue's Shoulder and Head Completed

    Statue's Shoulder and Head Completed
    Displayed for the first time in the Paris Universal Exposition
  • Ambassador Morton Drills in First Rivet

    Ambassador Morton Drills in First Rivet
  • Statue of Liberty's copper plate is completed

    Statue of Liberty's copper plate is completed
  • Laboulaye Dies

    Laboulaye Dies
    Ferdinand de Lesseps chairs the Union
  • Statue is completed

    Statue is completed
    Formally handed over to the US
  • First stone is laid on Bedloe Island pedistol

    First stone is laid on Bedloe Island pedistol
  • Statue Crated For Shipment to the US

    Statue Crated For Shipment to the US
  • Statue Almost Sinks in the Ocean When Shipped to the US

    Statue Almost Sinks in the Ocean When Shipped to the US
    Atlantic Ocean
  • Words are added to base of the Statue of liberty

    Words are added to base of the Statue of liberty
    Words from Emma Lazarus’ poem "The New