Prior to 1700's (Mon/Wed Students)

  • Jan 1, 1492

    Voyages to Americas( Bahamas/Haiti)

    Voyages to Americas( Bahamas/Haiti)
    Christopher Columbus had a theory that if he sailed west from Spain he would end up in Asia but instead landed in Bahamas/Haiti. This will later lead to more voyages. Columbus was headed to Asia for gold, pearls, and spice.
  • Mar 13, 1513

    First Voyage To America (Florida)

    First Voyage To America (Florida)
    Ponce De Leon was the first person to lead an expedition to America. He sailed north through the bahamas where he was in search of new lands and treasure in the islands but instead landed in America. (What is now Florida)
  • First attempt to establish a colony

    First attempt to establish a colony
    Sir Walter Raleigh was the first person to attempt to establish the first colony but failed. He was given permission by the queen of England to explore and discover new remote islands. He sailed from Plymouth and reached Virginia in Roanoke island.
  • Colonists in America

    Colonists in America
    105 colonists came to America to establish the first colony. They were sent by King James in ships of the London Company to find a site for a colony that was secured from spanish discovery and attack but also had easy access to the sea.
  • Mayflower Compact

    The Puritans (Pilgrams) formed the Mayflower Compact, it considered themselves independent and created their own government. They were fleeing from religious persecution by King James I. It was a contract that was signed by forty-one men and agreed to abide by the new government laws in exchange for shared protection.
  • First Thanksgiving Dinner

    First Thanksgiving Dinner
    In November of 1621, following a successful harvest, The Pilgrims decided to celebrate. They included 91 Natives, whom the Pilgrims would not have survived their first year without. The celebration lasted for three days.
  • population

    colonial population is 50,400
  • The Navigation Acts

    The Navigation Acts
    The Navigation Acts were a series of laws passed in the English parliament. The navigation acts were so they could encourage British shipping and allow Great Britain to retain the control and possesion of the supply of British colonial trade for the benefit of British merchants. It was between the Americans British and the English. Different acts where established at different times, (1651, 1660, and 1663) and in the Pacific Ocean. Some acts taxed goods and to stop importation and exportation.
  • Salem Witch Trials

    Salem Witch Trials
    The Salem Witch Trials occurred on March 1st 1692 in Salem Village, Massachusetts. The Trials began as a reaction to Reverend Parris' Daughters strange and erratic behavior and the confession of his slave Tituba to being a witch. The governor established "the Court of Oyer" to sentence all of the accused. As a result, over 200 people were accused and over 20 were killed.