Product Evolution: The Printing Press

  • Period: Jan 1, 868 to Jan 1, 1430

    Pre-Printing Press Era

    One of the earliest surviving books from before the Gutenberg press was invented was written around 868 A.D. This form of printing was done by using wooden blocks covered in ink, and pressed onto paper. http://www.livescience.com/43639-who-invented-the-printing-press.html
  • Jan 1, 1430

    The Gutenberg Press

    The Gutenberg Press
    Made up of movable letter and symbol metal blocks, ink made of linseed oil and soot, and screw mechanisms from wine and linen presses, in the late 1940's Gutenberg designed this press to be a step up from traditional scribes. This also made printing faster and more versatile, because they were able to make more books not just for wealthier people. (There is no exact date found for this type of press) https://www.psprint.com/resources/printing-press/
  • Lithography

    Invented by Aloys Senefelder in 1796, lithography is printing onto a smooth area, using chemical processes to create an image. Senefelder later found that compatible inks and water had a long-lasting formula for this form of printing. http://www.minutemanpress.co.uk/news/features/how-printing-techniques-have-changed-over-the-years-8247.html
  • Period: to

    Lithography to Modern Era Printing

    After the invention of lithography, it had been updated to a higher volume of printing, which is still very similar to the original lithography, and still used today.
    In the 1960's, photocopying was introduced, which made it easier to print by using a form of image duplication. Laser printing and digital printers are the more modern form of photocopying, and are faster and more accessible to use nowadays, they also have become part of a multi-billion dollar industry.(Same source as lithography)