Programming Languages

  • Plankalkul

    Created by Konrad Zuse for the purpose of engineering. Plankalkul is German for Plan Calculus.
  • Fortran

    Developed by John Backus and IBM. Its purpose was for numeric computation and scientific computing and named after "Formula Translation".

    Developed by Remington Rand so it could be a compiler for an early programming language for the UNIVAC I and UNIVAC II. MATH-MATIC was a marketing name for AT-3 (Algebraic Translator 3) compiler.
  • Lisp

    It was developed Steve Russell, Timothy P. Hart, and Mike Levin. Its purpose was for practical mathematical notation for computer programs and was named after "LIST Processor"
  • RPG

    RPG was made by IBM for business applications and stands for Report Program Generator.

    COBOL is an acronym for common business-oriented language. It was developed by CODASYL, ANSI and ISO for the purpose of Business use.

    Created by John G. Kemeny and Thomas E. Kurtz and allowed people to create personal software easily. BASIC is an acronym for Beginner's All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code.
  • LOGO

    It was developed by Wally Feurzeig, Seymour Papert. Logo is a multi-paradigm adaptation and dialect of Lisp. Its name was derived from the Greek logos meaning word or "thought" by Feurzeig.
  • B

    It was created by D.M. Ritchie and K.L. Thompson, for primarily non-numeric applications such as system programming. B was thought to be a succession to BCPL and was named "B" after it.

    Designed by Niklaus Wirth and was designed to encourage good programming practices. It was named after Blaise Pascal.
  • C

    Devolped by Dennis Ritchie and Bell labs. It is a general-purpose, imperative computer programming language, supporting structured programming. Named after B as the next in line.
  • ADA

    The ones who worked on ADA included Berned Krieg-Bruechner, Brain A. Wichmann, Henry F. Ledgard, Jean-Cluade Heliard, Jean-Loup Gailly, Jean-Ryanmond Abrial, John G. P. Barnes, Mike Woodger, Olivier Roubine, Paul N. Hilfinger, Robert Firth and was Led by Jean D. Ichbiah. The purpose of ADA was to create an ideal language for government and military computers and fix costs on embedded computers systems. ADA was named in honor of Ada Byron who is considered the first computer programmer
  • ML

    It was developed by Robin Milner & others at the University of Edinburgh for the purpose of proof tactics in the LCF theorem prover. Ml stands for MetaLanguage
  • C++

    Developed by Bjarne Stroustrup for the purpose of being an extension to C. It was named C++ to signify the evolutionary change from C.
  • SQL

    SQL was made by Donald D. Chamberlin and Raymond F. Boyce and was designed for managing data held in a relational database management system, or for stream processing in a relational data stream management system. SQL stands for Structured Query Language.
  • Python

    It was designed by Guido van Rossum for the purpose of succeeding the ABC Language. The name Python comes from Monty Python.
  • Java

    Developed by Sun Microsystems and was designed to have as few implementation dependencies as possible. It was named after Java coffee.
  • PHP

    Created by Rasmus Lerdorf and designed for web development. PHP is a recursive acronym for Hypertext Preprocessor.
  • Delphi

    Developed by Embarcadero Technologies. Delphi is a programming language and software development kit for desktop, mobile, web, and console applications. It was named as a reference to the "Oracle at Delphi".
  • Javascript

    It was developed by Netscape Communications Corporation, Mozilla Foundation, Ecma International. It may use is in websites as a core program. It was named after Java as a marketing ploy.
  • Visual Basic

    It was created by Microsoft and stands for Structured Query Language. It was created to be easy to learn and use.