Road to the Revolution

By dwray17
  • French and Indian War Ends

    A war between the French and Great Britain in which the British came out Victorious.
  • Sugar Act

    A tax on sugar to add revenue to fund enlarged British responsibilities.
  • Stamp Act

    A tax on stamps made by the British Parliament. The colonists appealed it and helped encourage a revolutionary movement.
  • Quartering Acts

    Two more acts from the British Parliament stating that you must allow food and housing for British soldiers.
  • Townshend Revenue Act

    A series of taxes on the colonies to add revenue to the British.
  • Boston Massacre

    A deadly riot that went from a street brawl to a slaughter fest when British Soldiers killed by colonists.
  • Tea Act

    Another act of the British Parliament that made colonists angered, this act eventually led to the Boston Tea Party.
  • Boston Tea Party

    A protest by the Sons of Liberty when they went onto British boats and dumped hundreds of chests full of tea into the Boston Harbor.
  • Intolerable Acts

    Passed by the British Parliament to punish the colonists for the Boston Tea Party.
  • First Continental Congress

    A meeting between 12 of 13 delegates of the colonies that created the United States.
  • Battle of Lexington and Concord

    A battle between the Colonists and British, it was the first military engagements of the American Revolutionary War.
  • Declaration of Independence

    A document written by Thomas Jefferson, this document granted the colonists freedom and was the start of the United States of America.