Russian Revolution

  • Decembrist Revolt

    Decembrist Revolt
    The Decembrist Revolt was a protest of the rising of the Crar. Nicholas I was not very popular. 3,000 protesters refused to leave. Nicholas I ordered his soldiers to start fire. Many people were killed and injured.
  • Nicholas II becomes Czar

    Nicholas II becomes Czar
    Nicholas II became the Czar after his fathers death.Many people disliked him. This lead to the abdication of the throne.
  • Russia-Japan War

    Russia-Japan War
    A military conflict/ War. Russia and Japan fought and Japan won. People in Russia were unsure of the leader.People demanded more freedom.
  • Bloody Sunday

    Bloody Sunday
    Massacre in St. Petersburg Russia. Protestors lead by Fr. Georgy Gapon, to present demands. Police shot more than 100 people and hurting several hundered more. Nicholas because Bloody Nicholas. More uprising led to revolution
  • WWI

    Russians joined WWI. They had the largest army there. THey did not hhave enough food and weapans for all of their soldiers. Russia and Germany agreed to peace.
  • March Revolution

    March Revolution
    Workers were not happy with what was going on. They started a revolution and wanted things to change. Some workers demanded that they get an increase in their pay so they could feed themselves. There were lots of rids and people were killed. This lead to people deciding not to have a Czar.
  • Czar Nicholas II abdicated the throne

    Czar Nicholas II abdicated the throne
    Uprising in Petrogad. Army joins striking workers. Czar was forced to give up his throne and arrested (Bolskevik) soviets
  • The Russian Civil War begins

    The Russian Civil War begins
    Disagreement in treaty. There were to sides, white and red. Red won the war. Russi in ruins, death and 6million people.
  • The creation of the U.S.S.R.

    The creation of the U.S.S.R.
    The U.S.S.R. cpmnined differnet regions into the Union of Soviet Socialist Republic. THis made U.S.S.R the most powerful and largest republic.
  • Vladimir Lenin’s Death

    Vladimir Lenin’s Death
    He died from a brian hemerage. He died at age 54. He was a devoted leader. Before he died he showed his alarm for Stalin. He realized how bad the commmunism was.