Russian revolution

Russian Revolution

  • Marxists Revolutionaries Split

    Marxists Revolutionaries Split
    Marxists revolutionaries disagree over revolutionary tactics. The more radical Bolsheviks are ready to risk everything. The charismatic Vladmir Lenin becomes the leader
  • Russia and Japan at War

    Russia and Japan at War
    Russia and Japan signed an agreement over territory ( Korea, Manchunia). Russia broke the agreement. Russia lost countless battles which caused civil unrest.
  • The Day of Bloody Sunday

    The Day of Bloody Sunday
    200,000 wokers and families approached the Czars palace with a petition. Asking for better working conditions, more personal freedom and elected national legislature. But they were fired apon, 1,000 dead and hundreds wounded
  • The Bloody Aftermath of Duma

    The Bloody Aftermath of Duma
    The year the Duma, Russia's first parliment met. They wanted a constitutional monarchy. The Czar didnt't want to share power so he dispanded them 10 weeks later.
  • Russia Dragged Into WW1

    Russia Dragged Into WW1
    Russia was unprepared to handle both military and economic costs. They had weak Generals and poorly equiped troops. Germans mowed the Russians down more than 4 million died before 1 year
  • We Want Bread

    We Want Bread
    Female textile workers are angered by bread and fuel shortages. Riors flared up within 5 days with 200,000 workers. Soilders shot the rioters but later sided with them.
  • The Bolshevik Attack

    The Bolshevik Attack
    Without warning armed factory workers stormed the winter palace in Petrgrad, calling themselves the Bolshevik (Red Army). They took over government offices and arreste leaders of provisional government.
  • Bad Treaty

    Bad Treaty
    Russia and Germany signed the Treaty of Brest-Litvosk. Russia lost a lot of land from it. Russia was angered and wanted the royal family dead.
  • Russia Can be Civil Too

    Russia Can be Civil Too
    A civil war in Russia between the Bolsehviks red army and the opposing white army. The war lasted 3 years with around 14 million Russians dying. The red army stomped out the white army opposition.
  • Brave New Economy

    Brave New Economy
    Lenin instated NEP (New Econmic Policy). It allowed peasants to sell surplus crops instead of giving it to the government. The Government controlled major industries but small industries maintained control of themselves
  • Stalin For Czar

    Stalin For Czar
    Lenin suffered a stroke which left an open spot as head of the communist Joseph Stalin climbed to power starting at this time. He put his friends in power and was in total control by 1928.