Significant life events

By CiCruz
  • My Birth

    My Birth
    I was born in Scotland on March 20, 2000. I was my mother's first child. I was my grandmothr's second grandchild.
  • My Sister's Birth

    My Sister's Birth
    My sister, Halle McKenzie Cruz, was born on November 28, 2002 in Scotland. She is my mother's second and last child. She was an unexpected surprise but I couldn't imagine my life without her.
  • Moving to America

    Moving to America
    Moving to America was a huge moment in my life. It was very hard for us because we did not know anyone and we had no place to stay. We lived in a motel for the first few weeks we were here until my mother bought a small house. It was a big culture shock and took me some time to adjust to it.
  • First Birthday in America

    First Birthday in America
    My first birthday in America was not a great day. We had been here for only a few days and we had no money. We got a small Finding Nemo cake but there was no party, just my mother, sister, and I. It was very lonely but I understood why I did not get anything and why nobody came to my party.
  • First Day of School in America

    First Day of School in America
    The first day of school in America was hard. It was hard for me to understand what everyone was saying because I was still not used to American English. It was also hard to make friends because they didn't understand me and thought I talked funny. It was hard at first but it got better after a little while.
  • Our First Dog

    Our First Dog
    We got our first dog Jack in 2008. We gott him at an animal shelter as a puppy so we don't really know exactly what kind of dog he is. He got parvovirus when he was still a puppy and it was very scary because we were told he was probably not going to make it. He did and he is perfectly healthy and full of energy just like he has always been, even for 8 years old.
  • Met my Best Friend

    Met my Best Friend
    I met my best friend Channah when we were seven. My mom had signed me up for girl scouts and she was in my troop. I was not a very social kid and it took me a while to make friends. She was my first real friend in America and has made a hue difference in my life. She ha helped me through so many tough times and I am so thankful to have her.
  • Starting High School

    Starting High School
    I started high school a year early so I was very nervous. I was nervous for a few reasons actually, one being I had only gotten an idea about what it would be like from movies. My mum and I were both quite scared and nervous about me going but it ended up not being that bad. It taught me more about America and the culture here.
  • Started Working at Oregano's

    Started Working at Oregano's
    I started working my first real job at Oregano's in Goodyear when it was finished being built in February 2015. I was one of the original employees there. I started working as a busser and after a couple weeks I was already one of the best there, so I've been told. I was quite nervous at first to start working because I am a shy person but I soon came out of my shell and I've made a lot of friends.
  • Granda Bobby's Death

    Granda Bobby's Death
    My great grandfather, Bobby Scotson, died at age 91. He would have been 92 in October. He died in his house surrounded by all 7 of his children in Àisir Mòr.