
Space Adventures

  • 450 BCE

    Ancient Astronomy

    Ancient Astronomy
    Ancient Greek astronomers first started pondering about other worlds along time ago.
    One of the first statements on the possibilities of other another life on other different planets was made by Epicurius a greek philosopher in 300 BC.​
  • Galileo Galilei

    Galileo Galilei
    Galileo Galilei was one of the first astronomers to use eye aiding equipment to view the stars. He said..."Besides the moon, this spyglass has allowed me to see a multitude of different fixed stars that have never before seen." Galileo Galilei introduced the telescope to astronomy. He used it to further watch Jupiter​.
  • Uranus was Found

    Uranus was Found
    In 1781 William Herschel discovered Uranus. It was the first planet to be found since ancient times. What Willliam had to say about this was "I have looked further into space than any human being ever did before me."​
  • Russians Launch First Artificial Satellite

    Russians Launch First Artificial Satellite
    This satellite was the first of it's kind to be launched into space. It was named Sputink 1. It was a breakthrough and the Russians, as well as the rest of the world benifitted greatly from all the research it did.​
  • Ham the Chimpanzee

    Ham the Chimpanzee
    In 1961 NASA sent a chimpanzee named Ham into a 16-minute suborbital flight. T​his flight was a research mission. The mission was originally supposed to send Ham to mercury but due to some technical failures, it was abandoned.
  • First Space Walk

    First Space Walk
    In 1965 a man named Alexi Leonov made the first space walk. the walk lasted 12 minutes.
  • Moon Walk

    In 1969 Neil Armstrong took the first steps on the moon. The mission was called Apollo 11. Apollo 11 was manned by Commander Neil Armstrong, Command Module Pilot Michael Collins and Lunar Module Pilot Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin. Some people believe that the moon landing was faked. The research data that was collected from this mission was monumental and has helped the medical division as well as science and astronomy.
  • Mars Landing

    Mars Landing
    On the 20th of july 1976 a rover landed on mars for the first time. this rover was called viking 1. there had been many failed attempts at the landing with viking 1 being the first success.
    viking 1 held the record for longest surface mission on mars until 2010 when it was broken by Oppurtunity on may 19.
  • Mars Polar landing Disappears

    Mars Polar landing Disappears
    The Mars Polar Lander was launched by NASA on January 3, 1999, to study the environment of Mars. However, on December 3, 1999, the probe went missing in action. It was expected to have just finished its descent phase but the lander failed to re-establish communication with earth. it was concluded that the reason of which the probe failed to communicate properly was that the engine failed before the lander touched the surface of the ​earth causing it to hit the planet at a high speed.
  • Space Shuttle Columbia Explodes

    Space Shuttle Columbia Explodes
    Space shuttle Columbia was first launched on 12th of April 1981 since then it had compleated 22 years of service and successfully compleated 27 missions. However, on the 1st of February 2003, the shuttle disintegrated upon re-entry to earth killing all seven crew members on board.​
  • Twin Mars Exploration Rovers Land on MArs

    Twin Mars Exploration Rovers Land on MArs
    The rovers were sent to Mars as part of NASA's Mars exploration program. The rovers were called Spirit and Opportunity.
    They landed on the 4th and 25th of January 2004.
  • First Landing on one of Saturn's Moons

    First Landing on one of Saturn's Moons
    After declining by parachute for 2 hours and 28 minutes, the Huygens probe landed on Saturn's largest moon, Titan. Huygens was successful in sending a group of images back to Earth. For the first time, scientists got to look at the surface of a moon other than ou​r own.
  • Water on the Moon

    Water on the Moon
    On Oct 9, 2009, Nasa’s LCROSS found water on the moon. it was found close to the moon's south pole in a crater that was cold and permanently dark. However,​ this water was a special type of 'Lunar' water.
  • Ancient Mars could have supported Life

    Ancient Mars could have supported Life
    ​Scientists have found evidence that there could have possibly have been life on Mars around 3.7 billion years ago which is far more recently than they previously believed that Mars had habitable environments.