
Steps leading to WWII

  • Hitler became president

    Hitler became president
    He promised food, jobs, money and shelter to poor family's.
  • German Jew's rights were taken away.

    German Jew's rights were taken away.
    German Jews stripped of rights by Nuremberg Race Laws
  • Hitler reveals plans for the Hossbach Conference

    Hitler reveals plans for the Hossbach Conference
    Hitler reveals war plans during Hossbach Conference.
  • germany announces union with Austria

    germany announces union with Austria
    Germany announces 'Anschluss' (union) with Austria.
  • Hitler takes command of the German Army

    Hitler takes command of the German Army
    German officials made Hitler the leader of the Germany Army.
  • Hitler had a war against Poland.

    Hitler had a war against Poland.
    Hitler needed to conquest Poland and break the blockade to get to the Soviet Union
  • Hitlers invasion of Poland doesn't start right away.

    Hitlers invasion of Poland doesn't start right away.
    The invasion of Poland starts in the spring of 1940
  • Military planning attacks on the U.S and the Soviet Union.

    Military planning attacks on the U.S and the Soviet Union.
    It looked as if this war was over, Hitler and the military began planning for the wars against the U.S and the Soviet Union.