synthia carrasco

  • synthias birth

    i was born at 1:33am on a Thursday! my dad named me bc my mom only had names for a boy.
  • first day of school

    i went to apa. Ambassadors Preparatory Academy. i went to that school up till 1st grade
  • first day @ L.A Morgan

    i had to switch schools due to family problems but i think its fine bc i made new friends and great memories. i went to 2nd grade twice
  • 4th grade!

    i meet Aileen Alanis. My long lost
    best friend
  • 5th grade :/

    first year of middle school
  • i have a indent in my right collarbone

    me and my cousins were at the movies and the have this weird things were the un load stuff from trucks and the left these crates there soooo we were playing on top of them and my cousin pushed me and i fell an landed on my right side and fractured my collarbone now i have an indent
  • car accident! :)

    this day was fun. a car crashed into the passenger side (which i was in) and it pushed my car into 3 other cars and damaged them as well. i had to be rushed to the hospital and was supposed to wear this thingy for my left collarbone but didn't and it didn't heal right:)
  • kidnapped animals

    me and mya where walking around at night and we were not functioning right in the head and she tried to steal cats, dogs, a fish out someones window.
  • another car accident:)

    fun fun fun. another car crashed into the passenger side (which i was i again) nothing happened to me this time but some bruises.
  • mya killed my fish

    we were not functioning right in the head again. and mya throw my fish out the window and then it got ran over by a truck. she killed my fish bc she said it was making to much noise
  • me and mya almost died.

    me and mya and some other friends were walking around and we went to these train tracks and none of us were functioning right in the head and me her and two other ppl laid down on the tracks and a train almost ran us over
  • 8th grade :)

    last year of middle school:)
  • another one!:) (car accident)

    another car hit my side ... it was fun and funny! no broke or fractured anything just bruises and cuts:). but now my side door doesn't close all the way fun and fresh
  • pierced my ear at home .. by myself

    i got bored and decided to pierce my ear
  • skipped school

    so i skipped school and everything was fine until they called my mom bc they didnt take attendance right for 5th period os it made it seem as if i was only there 5th but i actually walked away from the school after my dad dropped me off. so now I'm in trouble:)