The Book Thief

  • Lisel and her brother are traveling to their new foster parents

    Lisel and her brother are traveling towards Munich to be given over to their new foster parents. Lisel's brother dies on the train on the way there.
  • Lisel and her mother burry her brother

    Lisel steals her first book. She meets her new foster parents. She is afraid of her foster mom, but warms up to her foster dad.
  • Lisel arrives at Himmel Street

    Lisel learns to roll cigarettes. Lisel has her first bath on Himmel Street.
  • Lisel attends school

    Lisel turns 10 and now has to join Bund Deutscher Madchen. Lisel starts to play soccer with the other children on Himmel street. She meets her future best friend, Rudy Steiner.
  • Liesel wets the bed

    Liesel starts to learn how to read the "Grave Diggers' Handbook" with the help of papa. Lisel attempts to read outloud at school, but fails.
  • Liesel gets two books for Chirstmas

    Mama loses one of her washing customers, so she makes Liesel deliever the washing.
  • Liesel begins to mail letters to her real mom

    Liesel continues to write her mom, but no replies. Liesel takes some of mama's money and uses it to mail her letters. Papa and his son get into a fight about papa joining the Nazi party. Liesel partcipates in the parade for on the Fuhrer's birthday
  • Lisel attends the parade

    During the parade there is a buring for all things of "poison matter." Lisel's friend Ludwig is injured in the crowd. Lisel tells papa that she hates the Fuhrer for taking away her mother, and papa slaps her.
  • Lisel steals her second book

    The mayor's wife saw Lisel stealing the book from the ashes.
  • Papa finds out Lisel stole another book

    Lisel now has to deliver the washing ot the mayor's house. The mayor's wife shows Lisel her library. A jew named Max is introduced. Max is hiding from the holocuast. Max becomes very close to the Hubermann's.
  • Liesel and Rudy meet Arthur Berg and his theives

    Liesel and Rudy start stealing together. Maax travels on a train from Stuttgart. Max finds his way to Molching
  • Max arrives at the Hubermann's

    Liesel discovered Max and Hans in the kitchen. Hans explains to Liesel who Max is and how he knows him. Also his involvement in WWI. Liesel becomes frightend becuase papa said there would be punishments if Liesel tells anybody.
  • Liesel begins to read 'The Whistler' in Frau Hermann's library

    Liesel begins to read 'The Whistler' in Frau Hermann's library pg.214 - Max takes a lukewarm bath because Hans realizes that he is freezing to death in the basement pg.215 - Trudy comes home for Christmas but Max is not discovered pg.217 - Max tells Liesel how 'Mien Kampf' saved his life, and about his past pg.220 - Liesel tells Papa that she can now cope with her nightmares by herelf pg.221 - Liesel recieves 'The Mud Men' for her twelfth birthday pg.237 - Max gives Liesel the book he wrote for
  • Liesel cuts Max's hair in the basement p

    Liesel cuts Max's hair in the basement - Frau Hermann offers Liesel 'The Whistler' but she refuses - Liesel searches through garbage cans to find newspapers for Max - Max begins working out in the basement - Max fights the Fuhrer in the basement in the dark pg - Max, Mama, Papa and Liesel all paint white on the pages of 'Mien Kampf' - Frau Hermann gives Liesel 'The Whistler', and then gives her a letter for Mama saying that she will no longer be doing
  • Liesel goes back to the Mayor's house,

    Liesel goes back to the Mayor's house, where she rages at Ilsa Hermann and throws 'The Whistler' back Liesel goes home and tells Mama that she was fired because of what Liesel said, but Mama does not give her a Watschen. she instead strokes her hair and says it isn't her fault p- Liesel asks Max to teach her to do pushups, which he does pg.268-269 - Rudy and Tommy's Hitler Youth leader force them to do laps and drills in the mud because Tommy's ear condition prevents him from be
  • Max begins to write a story on the pages of 'Mien Kampf',

    Max begins to write a story on the pages of 'Mien Kampf', and Liesel one night comes down and out of curiosity looks at a few pages. - Rudy's Hitler Youth leader forces him to do drills and run in a freshly fertilized field - Liesel steals 'The Whistler' from Grande Strasse - Rudy attempts to steal the largest potato from the local, but is caught. A teacher named Herr Link protests the calling of the police and Rudy is let go with a warning
  • Viktor Chemmel throws 'The Whistler' in the Amper river.

    Rudy jumps in and rescues it Liesel brings a handful of snow down the the basement for Max, then proceeds to bring buckets down. Max, Liesel, Mama and Papa all help make a snowman in the basement - Max becomes very sick and passes out near the fireplace. He must be carried into Liesel's room where he would remain asleep for a long time - While Max is asleep, Liesel collects 13 presents for him, including finishing 'The Whistler
  • Liesel steals another book; 'The Dream Carrier

    Rosa comes to school and tells Liesel thst Max has awoken; The Nazi party comes to inspect basemnts for bomb shelters; they inspect the basements for a bomb shelter; they do not dicover Max. Rudy trains at Hubert Oval so that he can win 4 events at the Hitler Youth Carnival in August. He wins three, but the 4th one he is disqualified from.
  • Liesel steals another book; 'A Song in the Dark'

    Rudy shows Liesel that there is a book leaning up against the library window and Grande Strasse. She steals it and see's that is is called 'The Complete Duden Dictionary and Thesaurus'Liesel reads the letter from Frau Hermann which says that she is not angry about Liesel stealing the books, hopes that she can one day enter her house in a more civilized manner, and that the dictionary is a gift to her.
  • The bomb sirens go off and they have to leave Max

    While everyone is gone, Max goes and looks out the window; Liesel reads during the next air raid to the scared people; Liesle starts going to Frau Holtzapel's and reads her a book twice a week in exchange for coffee;
  • During a Jew parade, Hans gives a piece of bread to a Jew

    Max must leave due to what happend to Hans; A letter arrives that Hans will be drafted in the German Army; Rudy goes on a quest to kill Hitler because Alex Steiner was drafted as well; Liesle sees ROsa holding Hans accordian during the night
  • Rosa gives Liesel the book the Max had spent so much time writing for her; 'The Word Shaker'

    Hans retuens home due to a broken leg; Michael Holtzapel kills himself; Liesel see's Max in a parade of jews; Liesel tells Rudy about hiding Max in the basement;
  • llsa Herman gives Liesel a blank notebook that she writes about her life in

    Liesel writes every night in the basement about her life; Himmel street is bombed and Liesel is the only survivor; Liesel kisses Rudy's dead body and places Hans' accordian next to him; Liesel's book gets thrown into a garbage truck but Death reaches in and grabs it
  • Liesel helps Alex Steiner out at his shop and Max comes back

    Liesel lives to a very old age with a husband has 3 kids