French and indian dudes

The French and Indian War by Rachael Pulica

  • The Battle of Fort Necessity part 3

    The Battle of Fort Necessity part 3
    victories that no one saw coming which also makes it important. The location of thi historic battle was present day Uniontown, Pennsylvania.
  • The Battle of Fort Necessity

    The Battle of Fort Necessity
    On this day The French attacked Fort Necessity. They had an epic fight which carried out for a few days and ended when Washington finally had to admit defeat before every single British soldier was killed. They were losing and losing hard. Almost all the soldiers were dead and hundreds died every day. Gorge Washington did not admit defeat out of weakness or fear. But because he was smart and knew all of them would die for sure if they did not get defeated. So he ended the battle on his terms by
  • The Battle of Fort Necessity part 2

    The Battle of Fort Necessity part 2
    battle on his terms by admitting that he was defeated. Also, Washington was forced to admit that he killed the French generals little brotherwhich was included in the document explaining their surrender. this event was impotant because it marked one of Washington's first defeats which led him to a worse rep then he had. Also it marked a time when the British were forced to leave the territory and got a serious disadvantage by having to build a new fort and relocate. This marked a line of French
  • Period: to

    From Start to End:The French and Indian War

    This time span is when the battle that really started the war took place to the time the war ended with The Treaty of Paris.
  • British Defeated at Fort Duquesne

    British Defeated at Fort Duquesne
    This event is signifigant for a couple of resons. One, it marked the death of Braddock. Two, Braddock and his men were surrounded and attacked by the French and Indian forces. The third and last reason this event is signifigant is because it marked the slaughter of far too many men, mostly British. Before this surrender and defeat the British were still in the middle of the fight of their lives and their lives relied on them fighting. They fought from the first through the fifteenth and gave it
  • British Defeated at Fort Duquesne part 3

    British Defeated at Fort Duquesne part 3
    The location of this tradgic day for the British is present day Pittsburg Pennsylvania.
  • British Defeated at Fort Duquesne part 2

    British Defeated at Fort Duquesne part 2
    their all but in the end the french and indians had larger numbers and stronger men. This event is important because it shows that the French and Indians are still doing good when it comes to taking on the British. It shows that the french and indians are definitly in the lead at the time being. This event is also important because it marks the death of Braddack. He was a noble man and a good soldier but in the end the french and indians were better. Without a general the british were in trouble
  • French take fort Oswego

    French take fort Oswego
    In Upstate New York one day it was fine and the next it was raging with bloody battle until the French finally took Fort Oswego and added to their line of many other victories. This event is signifigant because French commander Montcalm takes the fort. But when he does so he discovers the bloody truth about his indian allies. He is horrified to inquire the knoledge that they kill the wounded, take slave cpatives, and take scalpes.
  • Massacre at Fort William Henry

    Massacre at Fort William Henry
    This sad event happened in upstate New York. This followed the surrender of the British to Montcalm and his men. Montcalm had promised all of the British safe passage back to England. But the Indians betrayed that promise that their allies made, big time. They killed 185 British who were supposed to have safe passage back and then took another 310 British captive, thus creating the massacre of Fort William Henry.
  • American Colonists refuse to serve under British command part 2

    American Colonists refuse to serve under British command part 2
    also told the colonists of free healthcare, shelter, and food. This made the colonists feel insulted. Like they are so desperate that they would beg the British for acceptance. So they said NO WAY! This event is signifigant because it marks a time in history when Americans were indpendant and fought for themselves. A time when they weren't in desperate need of help during the war. This event is important because it shows that we didn't feel so sad and desperate that we begged for assistance. No!
  • American Colonists refuse to serve under British command

    American Colonists refuse to serve under British command
    At the time the British needed more men. They had suffered several loses and defeats. They were very short on men but didn't want to hire any people that had a large role in 'society.' So the British went to the American colonists and asked them to fight by their side. At first the Americans were unsure about it and the British noticed. So they pushed a little harder. The British told the Americans witth them there would be peace quicker. Realizing the colonists were still debating, the British
  • American Colnists refuse to fight under British comand part3

    American Colnists refuse to fight under British comand part3
    They held strong and stuck to the colonies that created them. Thi\s payed off because they won. Without falling on their knees begging for help. This refusal took place at the colonies. During this event Loudum demanded exact numbers recruitas and that's when the colonists decided no. They weren't going to take it anymore. And they refused.
  • Louisbourg and Fort Duquesne Captured by British

    Louisbourg and Fort Duquesne Captured by British
    This capture took place in Quebec and Western Pennsylvania. The British, Americans, and Indians band together in this legendary battle. They all fought the French banded and together. They end up overwhelming the French. Who then abandon Louisburg when they realized it was a lost case. Then proceeded to burn Fort Duquesne to the ground so the opposing forces couldn't take it. Then they retreated. Fleeing North to try and find safety. And that is why this event is so signifigant.
  • Battle of Quebec

    Battle of Quebec
    This historic battle took place in Quebec (hence Battle of QUEBEC.) It is very signifigant because British General Wolfe had just been killed but the army knew rthey had to go on and keep fighting. So they progressed into a dramatic uphill attack. and then they succeeded and battled Quebec for quite some time until they started suffering great loss and drew back.
  • Battle of Quiberon Bay

    Battle of Quiberon Bay
    This battle took place off France. It is signifigant because it restricted France's navy. The victory of the British really hurt France. They lost some of their main resources and restricted them from resupplying forces in Canada.
  • Iriquois join British and American alliance

    Iriquois join British and American alliance
    This accurance happened in the Amnerican Colonies. This events signifigance is that the balance of all power starts to turn. The British now have more warriers and allies. Therefore the balance of power is starting to tip towards them.
  • French surrender to Montreal

    French surrender to Montreal
    This surrender took place in quebec. It is very signifigant. I say this because this was the last battle of the war fought in America. The french get outnubered. This leads to their defeat and the victory of the proud americans.
  • British capture Havana, Manila from Spain

    British capture Havana, Manila from Spain
    This capture took place in the Philippenne Islands (CUBA.)
    It is signifigant because Spain is entering the war as a French ally. Then they get heavily defeated and start to reconsider.
  • Treaty of Paris

    Treaty of Paris
    This is very very signifigant. For one thing, this is the treaty that ended the war, declaired asmerican victory, and created peace. It causes France to lose all American possesions such as land. All land West of Mississippi and New Orleans goes to SPain. All land East of the Mississippi River and Canada goes to England. This may be the most important event in this timeline and it took place in Paris, france.