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World History

  • Queen Elizabeth Dies

    Queen Elizabeth Dies
    Queen Elizabeth dies on March 24, 1603 from septicemia. The queen died having no heirs to continue the Tunor Dynasty.
  • The Gunpowder Plot

    The Gunpowder Plot
    A failed attempt to assassinate King James I by blowing him up in a parliament building. Guy Fawkes was held responsible for the attempt. He was sentenced to death due to treason against the king.
  • English Civil War begins

    English Civil War begins
    The English Civil war begins on August 22, 1642 due from the three main reasons of power, money, and religion. The opposing sides were Royalists and Roundheads.
  • Charles I Executed

    Charles I Executed
    Charles I was decapitated during the English Civil War after he was convicted of treason by Parliament. This action was a turning point in the war between roundheads and royalists.
  • Age of Enlightenment

    Age of Enlightenment
    The enlightenment was a long period that began in the early 18th century. It was primarily based on the ideas of reason, knowledge, and philosophy. This event inspired the advancement of civilization and education.
  • The French Revolution

    The French Revolution
    A major revolution occurs in France that began with the storming of the Bastille. The French people were tired of the complications of the estates and wanted justice from the monarchy ruler. This event has had one of the most influential effects on Europe.
  • King Louis XVI Executed

    King Louis XVI Executed
    After twenty years of ruling, King Louis is finally put to death. He was guillotined for trying to escape the country. This execution officially abolished the monarchy leading France with equality for all of its citizens.
  • Napoleon Crowned Emperor

    Napoleon Crowned Emperor
    Napoleon Bonaparte is crowned emperor in the December of 1804. This event was so controversial because Napoleon took the crown from the Pope and placed it on his head meaning he has authority over the church.
  • Napoleon Dies

    Napoleon Dies
    Napoleon dies on the island of St. Helena after five years of his exile. He most likely died from a stomach ulcer. His death reigns the end of one of the most powerful emperors of France.
  • Greek Revolution

    Greek Revolution
    A long war that resulted in Greece gaining its independence from the Ottoman Empire. This revolution was significant because it was the only successful one of the 19th century.
  • Abolition of Slavery in Britain

    Abolition of Slavery in Britain
    After nearly centuries of practice in slavery, the act was finally abolished by parliament in 1833. This meant that the trading of slaves was now entirely illegal. The act would have never been established without the help of William Wilberforce who dedicated his life to end slavery throughout Britain.
  • Queen Victoria Reign

    Queen Victoria Reign
    Alexandria Victoria becomes queen of Britain in 1837 and begins the Victorian Era. She is known as one of the most powerful women in the world.
  • Industrial Revolution

    Industrial Revolution
    One of the most revolutionary periods in the world for production with machinery. This event first began in England because of its many natural resources and workers. Overall, the working conditions of these jobs were horrible for the health of all people.
  • Imperialism In Africa

    Imperialism In Africa
    The age of imperialism in Africa was caused by the competition of European nations for colonies and Africa’s raw materials. Throughout this time, almost all of Africa was claimed by a European nation.
  • British Raj Period

    British Raj Period
    The Raj was an era of British rule over India that began after the East India Trading Company could not control the territory. Overall, it was a beneficial period that brought new technology and medicine to India. However, it also caused the overpopulation of India to this day.
  • Victorian Death Obsession

    Victorian Death Obsession
    This disturbing tradition in Britain was vastly inspired by Queen Victoria’s grief for her husband’s death by wearing all black. The event occurred because of how common death was and led people to create rituals for it.
  • Invention of the Telephone

    Invention of the Telephone
    The original telephone was invented by Alexander Graham Bell in 1876. The device allowed people to communicate with their own voice from all over the world rather than mailing letters or using Morse code.
  • Light Bulb Invention

    Light Bulb Invention
    The revolutionary light bulb was invented by Thomas Edison after over 1,000 attempts to create it. This invention was so important because the light bulb provided light with electricity for long amounts of time without the usage of oil.
  • The Belgian Congo

    The Belgian Congo
    The Congo was a territory in Africa acquired by King Leopold II for himself. The king claimed the land for the many natural resources of rubber and also forced labor. The conditions for the local people was horrible and over 10 million were massacred.
  • The Boer War

    The Boer War
    The Boer War was a conflict that happened between the British and Dutch settlers in Southern Africa. The battle happened because of the Boer resistance from British land claims for gold.
  • Bloody Sunday

    Bloody Sunday
    The massacre of the October Revolution known as ‘Bloody Sunday’ was an event where peaceful protesters were shot and killed by the Czar’s soldiers.
  • Russo-Japanese War

    Russo-Japanese War
    The Russian and Japanese war was a dispute over Japan’s imperialism in Korea and Manchuria. The event was significant because of Japan’s victory over a western power. The war was ended in 1905 by the treaty of Portsmouth in the U.S.
  • Model T Ford Invention

    Model T Ford Invention
    The Model T Ford was an iconic automobile invented by Henry Ford in 1908. This automobile was so popular because of its cheap price and transportation.
  • Trench Warfare

    Trench Warfare
    During World War I, survival was difficult and soldiers had to manage in different ways. One of those ways was trench warfare where combatants dig in and create trenches for cover. The conditions in these trenches were horrible as they were filled with water and plagued with rats.
  • WW1 Begins

    WW1 Begins
    After the assassination of the Austrian Duke, Franz Ferdinand, the whole world spirals into a violent and gruesome war. This mainly happened because of the tension in Serbia that stirred the war.
  • The Schlieffen Plan

    The Schlieffen Plan
    The Schlieffen Plan was an attack strategy performed by German commander Alfred Von Schlieffen to quickly invade Belgium and surprise France in WWI. However. The plan failed because it caused Britain to join the war.
  • The Armenian Genocide

    The Armenian Genocide
    This Genocide was a horrible event that occurred during World War I by the Ottoman Empire. The disaster happened the Ottoman Empire found any non-Muslim nations as a threat and invaded Armenia. Over millions of people died.
  • The Russian Revolution

    The Russian Revolution
    The Russian Revolution was a revolt against the government led by the Bolshevik party. The Russian people were tired of living in poverty and starvation and wanted freedom from monarch rule under the Czar.
  • The Czar is Overthrown

    The Czar is Overthrown
    The Czar of Russia is forced to abdicate his power after the reforms of the Russian Revolution. The Bolshevik party takes control of the government with Vladimir Lenin as the new leader of Russia.
  • America Joins WW1

    America Joins WW1
    The U.S. joined The Great War in 1917 to finally deal with Germany. They joined after the sinking of the Lusitania and the Zimmerman telegram by Germany.
  • The End of the Czar

    The End of the Czar
    On July 17, 1917, the Czar Nicholas II and his family are executed by the Bolsheviks in the middle of the night. This event marks the end of the Romanovs and their place in the Monarchy.
  • The Treaty of Versailles

    The Treaty of Versailles
    This treaty was the official event that finally ended World War I after 4 years of fighting. The Treaty was aimed towards the loser of the war, Germany, to pay for the damages and to feel guilt for what they’ve done. This did the opposite of what the Allies intended and caused Germany to rebel.
  • Vladimir Lenin and the Soviet Union

    Vladimir Lenin and the Soviet Union
    Vladimir Lenin becomes the leader of Soviet Union in the year of 1922. He served as the head of government until his death in 1924.
  • Joseph Stalin

    Joseph Stalin
    Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin was a Soviet revolutionary who took power of the USSR in 1924 and ruled for over 20 years. He was known as a dictator who starved his own people do death. He killed over 20 million Russians civilians.