
The history of voting

  • The 15th admendment

    The 15th admendment
    The 15th Amendment allowed it so that no matter depending on your race/ethnicity you shall be allowed to vote. On February 3rd, 1870 this act was signed off. Southern states would do things around it and give them tests that would be too hard to do because it never said you couldn't do it. This affected many people eventually, the Consitution made it so this wouldn't ever happen again.
  • Alice Paul

    Alice Paul
    She was a women's activist to help make sure that women could be able to get the right to vote. on January 10th she arrived at the white house and began to protest because of the unfairness she chose to speak up. after the 19th amendment got passed in 1920 she still continued to protest for the equal rights bill after the fact. she inspired many women because she helped women get rights.
  • The 19th amendment

    The 19th amendment
    This amendment allowed women to be able to vote. Many men felt since the women were meant for the stay-at-home role and that the men were voting for them as one vote there was no need for women to vote. Finally, after a long time, congress approved of women being able to vote. this made a huge impact for women because now they were finally getting the same equal rights.
  • Indian Citizenship act

    Indian Citizenship act
    It let the non-citizens who were Indian and had lived in the U.S. territory to be considered citizens. This allowed the protection of the citizens who were still Americans. This act was signed off on June 2nd, 1924 by President Calvin Coolidge.
  • The McCarran-Walter act

    The McCarran-Walter act
    The McCarran-Walter Act which is also known as the (Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952) it went for quotas of persons rather than race. This helped so that people wouldn't be so discriminated against. about 85 % of immigrant quotas were distributed to northern and western Europe while in Asia it is based on race in some parts.
  • The 24th amendment

    The 24th amendment
    This amendment allows it so that you don't have to pay a fee for voting. This came into play because a lot of people couldn't afford that type of money just to vote. It especially affected the black community because they had really bad pay at this time.
  • Freedom Summer

    Freedom Summer
    This took place in Mississippi and was a project to help increase the number of registration drives for the black community. the numbers came out that over 700 white Americans were trying to help protest against voting discrimination against African Americans at the polls. This made a huge impact because it showed no matter what race you are we are all still human and still deserve equal rights.
  • The 26th amendment

    The 26th amendment
    This amendment allowed anyone at the age of 18 to be able to vote. This amendment was put out after World War 2 when many soldiers were upset that at the age of 18, you could be drafted but not able to vote. The famous slogan is "old enough to fight, old enough to vote." this caused a lot of attention.
  • Americans with disabilities act

    Americans with disabilities act
    President George Bush signed off on this act. this act gives protection to all the people who have disabilities in employment and all sorts of other things such as transportation and normal day-to-day life things. It also helps out with funding (money) given to them.
  • Motor Voter Law

    Motor Voter Law
    This law makes it a whole lot easier for Americans to be able to vote! This helps many people because it allows you to send voter registration by mail. It mainly just helps out with getting the process done quicker for the people because the process of registering to vote can be really tedious and long.