The Immigration of the U.S.

  • 2017 BCE

    Plymouth Colony

    It was found by pilgrims,It ws aboard the Mayflower in September 1620, Over 100 English men and women sailed on the mayflower, They fled in 1607 and 1608 to the Netherlands
  • 1619 Affican Arrival

    *believed part of a prize for a slave trader heading to the Spanish West indies
    *Whoever couldn't afford passage into the colonies would become indentured
    *They first arrived in Jamestown, Va
    *Arrival in "20 and odd" was in August 1619
  • Naturalization act 1790

    *Law March 26
    *provided 1st rules
    *Limited Naturalization to immigrants
    *provided for citizens
  • Potato Famine

    *diseae thats kills people
    *Scottish highlands in 1846 to 1847