The legend of the Mexican American War

By looneyd
  • James K. Polk

    James K. Polk, who advocated for the annexation of Texas and believed in the “Manifest Destiny” of the U.S. assumes Presidency in the United States.
  • Mexico

    The U.S. officially annexes Texas, though Mexico still does not recognize its independence or annexation.
  • General Taylor

    General Taylor leads troops past the Nueces River toward the Rio Grande River, through and into the land that both the U.S. and Mexico claimed as its own.
  • War

    The Mexican-American War begins when Mexican troops cross north of the Rio Grande River and opened fire on U.S. troops at Fort Texas.
  • Battle of Palto Alto

    The first official battle of the war. After Mexican troops retreat, Taylor declares his army victorious.
  • Battle at Resaca de la Palma

    The day after the Battle at Palo Alto, Taylor’s troops follow Mexico’s retreating men to Resaca de la Palma (resaca is the Spanish term for a dry riverbed) and were victorious again.